Building Gaming PC


Jul 12, 2013
I'm looking to build my first PC with the primary use of gaming. The price range I'm looking for is between 600-900 before graphics and Operating system. I do want it to be a powerful machine. Here is some of the parts I was thinking about for this PC. Also I don't plan on over clocking the machine.

Processor: Intel i5-4670K Processor
Mother Board: Asus B85-Plus
Memory: G-Skill Rip Jaw 8gb 1333(probably upgrade to more later)
Hard-Drive: 1tb WD 7200rpm Sata III( may want to upgrade to solid state in the future)
Optical Drive: An Old DVD-RW drive I already own
Operating System: Windows 7 64bit home edition(already own)
Power Supply: ?????
Graphic Card: I already own a Graphics Card that Borders Recomended and Required settings for most games but wanting to upgrade to something much more powerful later on.

So really I just wanted to hear some opinions on this build and what people think. I've never really dealt with power supplies before so I was wonder what kinda of wattage would be needed to run this. Also I'm unsure if the mother board I chose will be sufficient enough or if I should by something more expensive.

My Current Computer seriously lacks processing power and was a good price but had very little future proofing when I bought it 2 years ago.

Also If anyone has anything to add that I maybe be overlooking that would be appreciated.
I'd look at Seasonic, nice rig so a good PSU called for around 5-550 watts, would also consider a minimum of 1600 DRAM as that's native to the Haswell CPUs, would also look to a better mobo if you can or plan to upgrade in the future,
if your not planning to overclock i would go with the non k version of the 4670, may save you a bit towards the graphics card. also, would decide on psu after gpu, just so you know how many, if any, pci-6 you might need, you can always buy extensions later, but its just nice to already have all the connectors you need on the psu.

ok yeah i was unsure if i should go for 1333 ram or 1600 there roughly the same price so that should change anything to much.

I wasn't sure what range I should be looking for in a motherboard, originally I was going to get mother board in the 300$ price range but I'm not planning on over clock so I thought I could get away with about 80$-100$.

f your not planning to overclock i would go with the non k version of the 4670, may save you a bit towards the graphics card. also, would decide on psu after gpu, just so you know how many, if any, pci-6 you might need, you can always buy extensions later, but its just nice to already have all the connectors you need on the psu.

Yeah maybe ill look into GPU so at least I have an idea what I want i'll also check out the non k version.