building gaming pc


Oct 2, 2014
good day. just wanted to ask if the build that i'll mention will run bf 4, league of legends, etc in ultra/very high settings... first time builder here that's why i need some information

powercolor devil r9 270x 2gb gddr5
amd fx 6300
asrock 960GC-GS FX mobo
8gb 1333mhz ram
seagate 1tb
thermaltake 500w psu

and lastly, if this build is good for my needs, can i use any case in this build... thanks in advance
No not much of a difference between the 1330 and 1600mhz and if you dont oc then the motherboard is okk and good to go with xfx instead of thermaltake.
yes it will run almost every games at ultra settings and few at very high.

if you have not already bought the system then get 2x4 gb 1600 mhz of ram and change the thermaltake PSu to a xfx 550 watt PSU.

Plus if you want to OC the processor then you should get an aftermarket cooler and a 970 or 990 board.
Ohh uhm im going to get 2x4gb 1333mhz ram, is there any great impact to the process itself if i will buy 1333 instead of 1600? Coz its much cheaper :) and i wont oc coz i dont have any idea how to do it haha, just wondering if any case would do coz i want to spend more in the gfx and processor and i think ill change the psu to what you have mentioned.
Food for thought...........

I am running the R9 280x adjacent with the FX 6300 on Shadow of mordor at max settings 70fps average.
I am running Metro last night redux at 80fps minus aa and 55fps x2 aa.

If you want a future proof system you will need a better card.
Alright.. Thanks Prit87 this build that i checked as far as the prices are concerned, my budget is enough so i'll upgrade to a much better gfx card like what Richyse7en mentioned.

if you have a bigger budget then make it 329$ big and get a gtx 970 if you really thinking about future proofing there is about 10 - 15 fps difference between r9 270x and 280x.

another question, is there any other psu that i can use aside from xfx psu that you mentioned? i mean, is there any alternatives?

the cheapest psu that i can see here at the shop are huntkey green power 550w and thermaltake 500w and litepower 600w none of those 3 psu that you've mentioned

Great for what you are doing... You need to get a minimum of 80 plus bronze certificated PCU dude. The 80 Plus Bronze rating means that the PSU is rated for at least 82% efficiency at 20% load, 85% at 50% load, and 82% at 100% load. Don't opt for something unbranded either, there are plenty of certificated unbranded products out there that I wouldn't personally buy from.
if you have not found the xfx 550 then look for seasonic 520 watt a low quality PSU comes with poor capacitors which gives up quickly at load.

Plus the cx and vs series PSU from corsair are better to be avoided they are low quality psu not made for gaming pc comes with cheap capacitors and have many bad feedback's like burning and failure.