i wanna build a PC, that funkcion as a home server. I dont know, what hardware to buy.
Its place will in the living room, from there run cat7 cables to the kids room and to our bed room.
On the server want i run Plex server, storage HD or/and 4K movies, and play with Plex, i want use it as a NAS, and a router (wireless too), and the kids can play games on it from they rooms (if this possible), and downloadstation. Any user (max 4-5) will have her own user name and password.
What is the minimum/optimal hardware requirements, and how can the kids play game on it from they rooms? And what software would you use?
I live in Europe.
(sorry for the bad english
i wanna build a PC, that funkcion as a home server. I dont know, what hardware to buy.
Its place will in the living room, from there run cat7 cables to the kids room and to our bed room.
On the server want i run Plex server, storage HD or/and 4K movies, and play with Plex, i want use it as a NAS, and a router (wireless too), and the kids can play games on it from they rooms (if this possible), and downloadstation. Any user (max 4-5) will have her own user name and password.
What is the minimum/optimal hardware requirements, and how can the kids play game on it from they rooms? And what software would you use?
I live in Europe.
(sorry for the bad english