Building my first pc! Need Help!


Aug 4, 2015
i want to start ordering parts for my computer which will be used for gaming on games like minecraft... Counterstrike GO, dayz, i have a budget of about 900$ so if someone could make me a pcpartpicker list then that would be great! i would like the case to be be black with a window if all possible, i dont need any peripherals but i do need an OS (windows 8) thanks for any tips or help you can give to me!

i will also be streaming and editing videos on this computer! so any other changes i should make?
There are many problems with your build.

The corsair cx series is really bad

That motherboard is super overkill and unnecessary

You could save 5$ on ram and get equivalent stuff

You may as wel get a xeon e3 1231 v3 in that price range and not get the evo 212

you should get this wireless adapter if you want a good one

a dvd drive is a bit unnecessary today but if you need a case for one get the cooler master n200

i still recommend the build above.

how will i install windows and all of the software if i dont have a disc drive? and here is the list you chose for me except i changed the cpu


okay sounds good! what about the switch of the graphics card and processor? is that a good combination? i want a computer thats gonna last a while also! will this be good just for casual surfin of the internet? watching videos on youtube and such

so the previous list i sent you should be all good to order? also does the case that you picked have a window?
I'm I the only one here who thinks it's crazy not to add a SSD into any new build? If you want a computer that boots in a matter of seconds, is almost instant at opening software (office products etc.) and never gets slowed by fragmented files, then you've got to get a SSD. You don't need to get a really expensive large capacity one. Only large enough for the OS, drivers and software, all other files are stored on the HDD.

okay so i think this is what im going to go with! does this list seem good? should run most games on ultra?

and one last question... i have windows 8 on my laptop... so would i be able to use the same key for my pc?

okay so i took the cooler off! so i should be all good to order?

sounds good.. thanks for all your help! i will be ordering this build right now!