Building my first PC today :)


May 20, 2016
Hey guys. I originally ran into a couple of problems when first building my machine and ended up having to get some replacement parts. Neither myself, nor even a computer technician, could determine what exactly caused the problem. I could write pages on the subject, but lets just say it's a long story. Anyways today I will be building the PC. One thing I want to be extra careful about is electrostatic energy especially since I've already ran into some problems previously. If anyone has any tips or advice on this they would be very much appreciated. I only have carpeted areas to stand on while I build and will probably be building on an old laminated wooden table that has some of the lamination coming off. I do have an antistatic wrist strap. One thing I am also wondering about is if it is alright to have a floor lamp plugged in nearby the building area for light.

Any and all advice here would be super appreciated :)
Forget about wrist-wraps. They provide a false sense of security. Just touch the case you are building in from time to time and you'll be alright.
Yeah. I would either go barefoot or in rubber shoes because socks allow static to go through. Its paranoid but you can never be to careful. Also, keep touching the PSU that is turned off to discharge yourself.

EDIT: Hlsgsz is also right about touching the case, case and PSU sorta same thing in the way they dissapate electricity.

Have fun with your first build!
Yes keep touching the case from time to time as Hlsgsz said. But remember you have to touch the inner frame of the case not the outer body if you touch outer plastic body it will be of no use. So have the case placed nearby with its side panel open and keep touching it.

My case has I believe a light coat of some form of paint on it so it's not bare metal or anything. Should this be alright?

Yeah yeah. So long as you touch the metal, not plastic. That coat is not enough insulation to prevent you discharging.