Building My First PC


Jan 20, 2016
Hey guys! so as the title says im building my 1st computer and i need some input from people who have experience building themselves. Ive been doing research and trying to find good parts through reviews. ikno there are alot of parts i need to get to build it but i figured id start with an Intel i7 6700k for the proccessor and and the MSI GeoForce GTX 960 4gb for the Graphics. I want to Spend a total of 1000-1200 US Dollars on the whole pc. Does anyone have input on these 2 pieces? any recommendations? Can i get these 2 pieces and still build the rest of the pc on my remaining budget? the i7 is going for 350$ the GTX960 going for 250$

Im decent when it comes to tech stuff ikno my way around windows and the o.s. but Im new to all the lingo and what the different specs mean when it comes to hardware so any info or help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

PS The primary things ill be doing with my pc would be Playing World of warcraft (i want to run that at full ultra graphics), working with minor music programs And i would like to run some decent video editing programs. I honestly dont play any other pc games besides world of warcraft but would still like some flex room if i wanted to play something more demanding than wow.
thanks again in advance

Dont mention it,im kinda new too :)

Take a look at this:

It will cost a little more than you expected,but i think that if you can afford it,you should go with it,or something similar.
It will run all the games you listed above with ease. Video editing will be great,too.
You will notice that i didnt choose a case,because you will have to find a one that you like.
I also put a basic but very good cpu cooler,but when you will want to overclock,you are gonna have to upgrade.

Now for the also...

Are you planning to overclock your cpu? If not,buy the non-K version which is a little cheaper.
And also if you are not gonna use the video editing programs all the time,or you will not be doing any really heavy work on them,i would suggest to go with the i5 6600. That way you will save some money to buy some better components for the rest of your pc.
Do you have a monitor and peripherals?
For the gpu take a look at the Gigabyte GeForce GTX960 4GB Gaming (GV-N960G1 GAMING-4GD). It has better cooling. I live in Europe,and it is about 12 dollars more expensive than the MSI.

pcpartpicker is down for maintenance so i cant see what the previous post recommends.

thank you for the reply! so yes i do plan on overclocking my cpu and i dont not have a monitor but i do have some cheap mice nd keyboard but the monitor and peripherals are not included in my 1100$ budget. ill definitely go check out the gigabyte version of the 960. Ive also seen ALOT of people recommending to buy the gtx 970 over the 960 kuz its 100 bucks more and u get alot of the 100 bucks. would u agree? have u played with a 970?

I have not played with a 970,but from what i am reading is that if you also want to play other games than WoW you will enjoy it. I believe it justifies the extra cost. But if you dont care about more demandind games,then you should go with the 960 and save some money. For the cpu,you will need and a decent cooler since you will overclock it.
Because you are on a budget,tell me what games you had in mind and what kind of video editing you plan on doing,and i will recommend you a complete build :)


Right on ill definitely go with the 970 then. So basically the only game ive ever played on a pc has been wow due to the fact ive never had a good gaming pc. ive played on consoles mostly and honestly i dont know which games i would be playing yet i just want some wiggle room so that if new games come out that ill be able to play on ultra or atleast near ultra settings with 60 fps. Some games i had in mind besides Wow are Ark Survivor evolved , Tera , Maybe Star Wars battlefront, and Day z . I plan to use my pc for more than just gaming thats why im going for the i7. For the video editing Im still new to that so im not sure how to answer the question but basically i want to make videos of my recorded ps4 gameplay. I have a "El Gato" capture card for my playstation and would like to edit and create videos with my uploads from the capture card. These videos would be like gameplay montages and what not so i plan on cutting dozens and dozens of 10-14 second clips and put into one video. Right now on my laptop i have tried using Windows Movie Maker (IKNO LOL) to make these montage clips but once that 3rd or 4th 15 second clip gets added into the video the whole program gets SUPER SLOW. so basically i dont want to run into that problem in editing with my pc i dont want programs being slow when im working on multiple video files at once.

Thanks so much! Im kinda new to posting on forums as well , i usually just read untill i find my answer So this is really cool that im getting replies and help so fast! Much Appreciated! :) 😀

Dont mention it,im kinda new too :)

Take a look at this:

It will cost a little more than you expected,but i think that if you can afford it,you should go with it,or something similar.
It will run all the games you listed above with ease. Video editing will be great,too.
You will notice that i didnt choose a case,because you will have to find a one that you like.
I also put a basic but very good cpu cooler,but when you will want to overclock,you are gonna have to upgrade.

Now for the also have a few choices there. The mobo supports up to 64gb of ram,so if you want to max it out,you will have to put 4 16gb ram sticks. The current 2x8gb sticks will go to waste then,unless you have another pc that you can upgrade,or you can sell it. If it is bound to go to waste,then you can go for 2x4gb which is the smallest amount of money that you will eventually lose. Or you can go with 2x16gb from the start,but it sets you waaay out of your budget.
I would personally go with the sticks that i put in the build and upgrade it later. I dont think that you will need 64gb of ram anytime soon. Unless you go all in with the video editing programs 😛

Another way to save some money is buying a cheaper mobo,but i dont think that it is worth it. You will save about 30 dollars.

Anyway,i hope someone more experienced than me helps you too.
Tell me what you think and we can take another look at what we can do :)
I really like that build! and it already has the motheboard i had my eyes on. I made a few tweaks , realizing i will not make my budget im gna go over the price limit a bit but i will be setup for years. what do you think of this?

i do also mess around with music programs and record live music so i figure i will need a sound card of some sort? i want a disc reader and writer and was thinking , how i do i install a card reader or should i just buy an external card reader and run through a usb?

btw i totally hit the button for solved my question by accident! hahah sorry! your a total help and my build i came up with is definitely influenced by yours and its awesome! lol but i would like some feedback from some other people im not sure how to unclick the solved question button.
For the gpu,read this,it could help you choose:

I am not i big fan of seagate HDDs,check out the Western Digital Caviar Blue,or Black. Both very good choices. I have the Blue in my pc and i am very satisfied.

For the music programs,i cannot help you,sorry!
For the card reader you have 2 options. You could either buy 5.25 card reader or a usb one. I would go with the external because it is much cheaper.

For the "solved question" button,i have no idea,lol!