I'll soon start building my girlfriend a gaming computer, her only stipulation is that the case needs to be pink. so i found her this that she liked APEVIA X-QPACK3-PK http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811144297
I haven't bought anything yet, but with that case I'd need a cpu cooler under 5 inches (127mm) tall and I'm not sure which would be best. I've found a couple but I don't want to go buying anything before I'm sure it will work and work well.
I am even open to using a different case , there just aren't a lot of pink cases out there, and unfortunately she doesn't want to budge on that.
I haven't bought anything yet, but with that case I'd need a cpu cooler under 5 inches (127mm) tall and I'm not sure which would be best. I've found a couple but I don't want to go buying anything before I'm sure it will work and work well.
I am even open to using a different case , there just aren't a lot of pink cases out there, and unfortunately she doesn't want to budge on that.