boulbox :
fill this out i will be more than glad to help you out
Approximate Purchase Date: Black Friday
Budget Range: (1000-1400) Before Rebates; / After Shipping
System Usage from Most to Least Important: (Home, gaming, surfing the internet, watching movies, Homework)
Are you buying a monitor: No
Do you need to buy OS: Yes
Please note that if you're using an OEM license of Windows, you will need a new one when buying a new motherboard.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: (e.g.:,, really doesn't matter)
Location: Stockton,CA United States
Parts Preferences: Intel
Overclocking: Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: No
Additional Comments: I would want a Windows 7 computer.. Also, i would be playing runescape, wizard101, minecraft, diablo III