Building new PC


Nov 23, 2015
Looking to build a new pc for Twtich streaming and Gamimg ( as i do it on my xbox one aswell)

This will also be my first time building ( pretty confident on doing, just want to make sure i pick the correct hardware so it doesnt go boom)

My current specs are:

Acre Aspire M3802
Windows 10
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8300 @2.5GHz
Ram: 6GB
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti
Power supply: Corsair builder series CX 600 Watt ATX/EPS plus bronze

Im looking to build this:

Intel Core i5 4690K Processor (3.5 GHz, 6 MB Cache, LGA1150 Socket)
MSI Z97 Gaming 5 Intel LGA1150 Z97 ATX Motherboard
Cooler Master RR-212E-16PK-R1 Hyper 212 Evo "Ultra High Performance, 4 Direct Contact Heat Pipes
Corsair Builder Series CXM 750W Modular 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX/EPS PSU ( or use the same one i have)
Corsair CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 Vengeance 8GB ( get 2 for 16gb)
EVGA Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 with ACX 2.0 Cooling 4GB Graphics Card ( or use the same one i have)
Sharkoon BD28 PC case - Red
windows 10

(Also not sure to get i5 4690k or the i7 4790k, what would you reccomend?

Let me know what you think, is this a decent build for what i need, and with the power supply and graphics, il just reuse them in the new build.

Thank you.
This is a good build for your needs, however you would benefit with the i7 if you were streaming. The 970 is the best price for performance card on the Nvidia side of the spectrum and plays every current game at pretty high settings. If you wanted to you could keep the 600W PSU and would probably not have any problems. Also have you considered going Skylake? You could get a better deal on a current gen if you're on a really tight budget. If the state of pricing where you are is any similar to here in Australia, the Skylake chips are generally cheaper as Haswell has pretty much jumped about $30 in price.

ohh, guess il for the i7 then, when u say skylake what does this mean, ive seen this mentuned in other forums and cpu's before but not sure what it means?

Skylake refers to the new generation Intel chips which start with the number 6. ex: i5-6XXX, i7-6XXX

ah i see, so like the i7 6700k, would they be much of a noticable difference between that and the i7 4790k?
I plan on playing most games around med/high quality, and streaming around 720p, so i dont think i need an extreme cpu ?


It wouldn't be a extremely noticeable difference. I'm fairly sure Haswell to Skylake brings a 5-10% (if that) increase in performance with the same clockspeed.


The processor speed on this seems to be alot slower than the i7 one, what exactly makes this more compatable for streaming?

Thanks you!

The Xeon 1231v3 is basically a very slightly slower i7 4790 (locked) without the iGPU, while being considerably cheaper.

Though it seems that the 4790K's price has dropped recently, it's really up to you.

>.< okay u made me unsure what i should go for haha, the thing i noticed about the i7 was it has 8 threads, and the 4790k has 4, so if im going to do alot of multitasking would it not be better for the i7 as it has more threads?
I would personally go for the r9 390 instead of the gtx 970, Also the processor depends on you r needs for moderate gaming you can stay with the 4960k it will give you a solid performance.