Building pc build have some questions


Jan 16, 2016
this is my build

i left out the 2tb wd black hard drive

I will be buying everything through amazon.

I was just wondering if I should get the warranty on everything or doe sit have factory warranty? I don't want anything getting ruined and not being able to do anything about it but the warranty on every one of these parts will add up and be super expensive.
All will have warranties.
Intel is 3 years, ram is lifetime, graphics cards are 3 years for example.
Usually, if anything fails, it will be immediately, or within a month.
I would not buy any extended warranties.

On your build, use a simple tower type air cooler. Small AIO are not very effective.
Scythe kotetsu will be $35.

On the ssd, stick with intel or Samsung for performance and reliability.

GTX1080 needs only 520w unless it is heavily overclocked.
Buy a tier 1 or 2 psu like the Seasonic 620w S12II at 1/3 the cost and better quality.

As to sli, I would not plan on it for an upgrade.
No way will you need it...

I might go SLI in the future so I will probably keep this one. I might change my mb aswell. I am pretty sure this mb is only crossfire. But what do you mean register them? is it free?

also do you suggest ordering everything through amazon? i am doing it for prime 2day shipping. does 2day shipping work in canada?

Do you know if anything comes DOA or malfunctions after installing the parts does the warranty you mention (still dont understand how to "register" them) cover this?
I register all my parts once my build is up and running , that's why I order all the parts at about the same time. Before it's up and running if I have a bad component it's easy to return to the egg or Amazon. Only had 1 bad board and 1 bad GPU and 1 bad blu-ray drive in my building of about 3 dozen PC's.

Ok last question. How long do you think this build will last? With the parts I selected how long will it be relevant? also should I drop the 7700k for the i7 6700k because it doesn't seem like it matters that much/ i7 6700k 4.00 ghz 7700k 4.2ghz
All will have warranties.
Intel is 3 years, ram is lifetime, graphics cards are 3 years for example.
Usually, if anything fails, it will be immediately, or within a month.
I would not buy any extended warranties.

On your build, use a simple tower type air cooler. Small AIO are not very effective.
Scythe kotetsu will be $35.

On the ssd, stick with intel or Samsung for performance and reliability.

GTX1080 needs only 520w unless it is heavily overclocked.
Buy a tier 1 or 2 psu like the Seasonic 620w S12II at 1/3 the cost and better quality.

As to sli, I would not plan on it for an upgrade.
No way will you need it at 1080P resolution.
If you do, there will be stronger single gpu cards coming.
And you will avoid dual gpu issues such as screen tearing stuttering and non support in some games.

You buy a K to overclock.
As of 12/04/2016
What percent can get an overclock at a somewhat sane 1.4v Vcore.

4.9 5%
4.8 21%
4.7 64%
4.6 96%

4.9 74%
5.0 56%
5.1 26%
5.2 5%

I think I will stick to the 850W psu i do plan on overclocking my cpu and gpu I also will be getting an h55 water cooler to keep temps on the 7700k low I heard the new kabylake models get hot

Wonderful. That corsait h55 is closed loop right? I don't trust my self with refrigerant lol

ps- what other closed loop water cooler will be good then?