Hey guys i'm looking to start my first build and want help from the seemingly great professionals like yourselves. Any DIY combos, pc part pickers, or whatever you have up your sleeves is find by me, just looking for expert advice.
Approximate purchase date: Within next few days.
Budget Range: 750-800$
System usage: Gaming, minor video/photo editing, web surfing, Microsoft office.
Monitor: Already got one.
Windows: Budget MUST include the windows 8.1
Preferred website: I'm comfortable with New Egg, but if there's other reliable ones then why not.
Location: Billerica, MA, USA
Parts preferences: I5 or Amd FX-8350(eight core) and a Nvidia GTX 960 would suffice. Although i trust your guys' opinions much more than my own.
Overclocking: I guess?
SLI or crossfire: don't know
Additonal comments: I was looking for a pre-build on new egg but realized the parts are probably trash and i'm hoping to build my PC with better parts. I'm also looking for a mouse and keyboard that's decent for under 30$. I'd like a not so expensive case, but obviously one with great air flow. I'd also appreciate any first time builders tips or suggestons, they're duly noted. Thanks!
Approximate purchase date: Within next few days.
Budget Range: 750-800$
System usage: Gaming, minor video/photo editing, web surfing, Microsoft office.
Monitor: Already got one.
Windows: Budget MUST include the windows 8.1
Preferred website: I'm comfortable with New Egg, but if there's other reliable ones then why not.
Location: Billerica, MA, USA
Parts preferences: I5 or Amd FX-8350(eight core) and a Nvidia GTX 960 would suffice. Although i trust your guys' opinions much more than my own.
Overclocking: I guess?
SLI or crossfire: don't know
Additonal comments: I was looking for a pre-build on new egg but realized the parts are probably trash and i'm hoping to build my PC with better parts. I'm also looking for a mouse and keyboard that's decent for under 30$. I'd like a not so expensive case, but obviously one with great air flow. I'd also appreciate any first time builders tips or suggestons, they're duly noted. Thanks!