Building/Upgrading my computer... Thoughts?


I think the tricky thing is that while the GTX 950 is a nice little GPU, it's also a budget one, something you see on a $600 gaming PC. The 4K monitor is taking up a lot of your budget (as is the sound system), but here's the thing: you get no benefit to having that with this gaming rig since for gaming, you're essentially limited to 1080p. And anything that *could* run 4K gaming will be bottlenecked by the FX-6300.

Where you go from here is up to you. But...
Yes, it would definitely be worth seeing what you have *now* to come up with something better. Because to be honest, it's a real hodgepodge of parts. Thanks to the accessories both their costs and some odd choices, you're spending nearly $1600 for what amounts to an entry level gaming PC.

Things I already have:
Processor chip

Things I have no idea as to what's good:
CPU/Case fans

And I just bought the GTX 950 about a month ago so I'd prefer not to change that any time soon.

I couldn't agree more

That's exactly why I come here

I think the tricky thing is that while the GTX 950 is a nice little GPU, it's also a budget one, something you see on a $600 gaming PC. The 4K monitor is taking up a lot of your budget (as is the sound system), but here's the thing: you get no benefit to having that with this gaming rig since for gaming, you're essentially limited to 1080p. And anything that *could* run 4K gaming will be bottlenecked by the FX-6300.

Where you go from here is up to you. But $1600 is so much that if you came down on the monitor and some of the extras, you could build a rig with that money that absolutely *destroys* anything you could build with the parts you currently have on-hand. If that interest you, I'm sure me or someone else reading this could help you fill out a parts list.

But if you're not, a few recommendations. Ditch the 4K monitor. Don't get the Pro Windows 10 unless you absolutely need it. You don't need a $160 case and considering you don't have a motherboard that can really overclock, $100 is a lot to drop in cooling. Don't spend $110 on a keyboard that isn't even mechanical. The sound system is already overpriced, I'd prefer the Klipsch 2.1 at the same price as those Bose and it's $100 less expensive.

Yeah, as I said I didn't put much forethought into this build (I now regret that). It's just what the little hamster in my head thought would be cool.
The accesories I can easily ditch because I have little concern about that stuff.
The things I would definitely want to change are the motherboard (that was a quick decision since my old one went kaput without notice), and the processor since I've had that a while and it's starting to give up on me.

As for the case and OS...
The case I also have no idea about what to choose. That would be cool if I had help looking into that.
Operating system... I have windows 7 professional as of now and it's pretty good except for certain accessibility issues and whatnot. But I've heard a lot of good things about win 10 but again I don't know which version of THAT to choose.

Help with further refining this parts list would be greatly appreciated.