New to the site! I have been racking my brains and going back and forth between building a computer, buying a cheap one and upgrading, or just buying one with what I need already in it. I mainly need a computer for video/photo editing, coding, and computer science related things (computer science major in college right now), and the usual web browsing, YouTubing etc. Virtually little to no gaming. I'm inclined to build one because of my CS Major, but feel overwhelmed at times. So any help and or advice would be great. Thanks!
New to the site! I have been racking my brains and going back and forth between building a computer, buying a cheap one and upgrading, or just buying one with what I need already in it. I mainly need a computer for video/photo editing, coding, and computer science related things (computer science major in college right now), and the usual web browsing, YouTubing etc. Virtually little to no gaming. I'm inclined to build one because of my CS Major, but feel overwhelmed at times. So any help and or advice would be great. Thanks!