[SOLVED] Built a new PC,looking for GPU recommendations


Jun 12, 2012
Hello everyone,I just finished building my new PC and now GPU buying is a concern. My build is:

Gigabyte Z390 Ultra

9700k + be quiet Dark Rock Pro 4

16GB DDR4 G.Skill 3200

Samsung 970 Evo + 4TB HDD

Corsair RM850x (2018 edition) + be quiet silent base 800

I play on full HD 60hz and now I need to step in 1440p gaming with 144hz monitor (also looking recs for this one)

Mainly I play World of Tanks,but I always play AAA games when they are out,mostly FPS and TPS games.

Since there are some problems with 2080 and 2080ti cards dying and amd doesn't offer anything interesting at this moment

Now I play WOT on medium settings with on board gpu (uhd 630) so basically I can wait for some new releases,but as I guess it's not happening in new future.

I need gpu to power one 144hz monitor for gaming and another 60hz big TV for movies,adventure games,browsing etc...

2070 isn't fully enough for 1440p gaming,which makes choice even more difficult,what should I do?

I’d just get the 2080/2080Ti. If you are unlucky and have issues you have a warranty. It’s looking like AMD will not be competing at this level until H2 this year earliest and that’s not guaranteed. I did find an article claiming the % of failures for the 2080/2080Ti is no different to other gpu releases, it’s just being used as something else to beat RTX with which hasn’t been well received due to price. No idea if it’s accurate but it seemed logical.
I’d just get the 2080/2080Ti. If you are unlucky and have issues you have a warranty. It’s looking like AMD will not be competing at this level until H2 this year earliest and that’s not guaranteed. I did find an article claiming the % of failures for the 2080/2080Ti is no different to other gpu releases, it’s just being used as something else to beat RTX with which hasn’t been well received due to price. No idea if it’s accurate but it seemed logical.
As I understand only optimal option is buying 2080... I was just wondering if there would be any sense in waiting for this cards for price drop + which 2080 is better to buy? Are Gigabyte 2080 good cards? They are kinda cheaper than all the others
I'm planning on going 2080 on a very similar build soon. As I asked here and was said the 2080 should handle 1440/144 very well.

As for the monitor, I just picked up a Dell S2719DGF. It's a great monitor. There s a solid review on it here. Best buy puts it on sale quite often. Currently 399.99, last week I picked it up for 359. Reading reviews on best buy it often goes on sale for sub 300.

The gigabyte windforce only had 2 review on newegg last I checked and both were only 1 egg. From what I've read it seems to run fairly warm. The evga black is the same price($700) and had more friendly reviews with an average of 4 eggs. That's the one I was planning, but will also be putting on water. So hopefully thermals won't be an issue. That seems to be a problem with all of the cheaper 2080 and 2080ti. The more expensive ones seems to have much better cooling capacity.
Given the price I would suggest a third option. Wait and see how the AMD VII effects the price. You could also do 2x 1070's in SLI for about $90 less so you dont have to worry about the newer cards dying.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: Gigabyte - GeForce GTX 1070 8 GB Windforce OC Video Card (2-Way SLI) ($299.89 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Gigabyte - GeForce GTX 1070 8 GB Windforce OC Video Card (2-Way SLI) ($299.89 @ OutletPC)
Total: $599.78
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-01-20 18:57 EST-0500
So I don't have finally decided,but thinking of buying 2080 MSI

WIll it be good decision made by me now or should I wait for price drop or any new products ? I was thinking also about 2070 which can be enough for 1440p gaming by reducing some settings,but price difference (about 150-200 euro) between them isn't a real problem for me,so should I go with 2080 msi? ))
It's always a good idea to get as much gpu power as you can afford. So if the difference between the two cards isn't an issue, buy the better card. Should work well with your 9700. I would buy now and not hold your breath for a price drop that probably won't happen any time soon.