Built in vpn in windows 10 multi user login problem


Hello, recently ive set up a vpn server with the built in feature on windows but i have 2 major problems:
1. If i set IP range (f.e. 192.168.xx.xx-192.168.xx.xx) it will not grant internet access and i cant connect to the rest of the computers. If i put automatic IPs it works perfectly

2. I gave access to 2 users. Both can connect to it fine but only 1 at a time. When i try to log both users i get error "another user with same privileges is logged on" or something similar to this

Question: Is there a way to make the vpn accept 2 or more concurrent connections? Why it will not let me chose a range of IPs?

When set to auto, are the IP addresses assigned to the computers within the range you expected?

Does your range exclude the .0 the .[gateway] and .[broadcast] addresses?

2 - https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/b55f2da2-dce0-4fce-ad94-040bb4fbd211/cannot-get-multiple-vpn-connections-using-windows-10-server?forum=win10itproapps

You can't connect to multiple VPN at the same time with Microsoft build-in VPN, only one VPN connection is approved at one time. So your test result symptom is an expect symptom if you are using Microsoft build-in VPN.

When set to auto, are the IP addresses assigned to the computers within the range you expected?

Does your range exclude the .0 the .[gateway] and .[broadcast] addresses?

2 - https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/b55f2da2-dce0-4fce-ad94-040bb4fbd211/cannot-get-multiple-vpn-connections-using-windows-10-server?forum=win10itproapps

You can't connect to multiple VPN at the same time with Microsoft build-in VPN, only one VPN connection is approved at one time. So your test result symptom is an expect symptom if you are using Microsoft build-in VPN.


The IP adress that it assign to the clients is in the same sub-network as the one set in the router (192.168.0.XX) while i wanted to make them get 192.168.100.XX but its not a big deal... just one of the users that i granted access didnt like the idea to be in the same sub network as the one of the server.

If i cant set it with more than one user at a time then i guess ill have to look for 3rd party software. I already tryed to set OpenVPN but it required way too much configuration and creating certificates.
Anyways for now im satisfyed with having 1 user at a time
Thanks for the info... if i need help setting the OpenVPN i will make a new thread