Built my new pc. wont power up


Jan 6, 2014
So just spent the last 2 days taking everything out of my old vantage pc case. Couldnt label my cables because they were a zip tie mess of knotted cables I had to just remove them as best I could and hope for the best when putting it all back together.

I removed old psu gpu and mb and all cables.

Iv just finished putting it all back together. My MSI Z97-5 MB With I5Processor and cooler fan, my XTR850 PSU, my MSI R9 390 Graphics card, my Ram my DD my HD and my front and side LED fans.

Best part is it wont power up! I have checked the power switch at rear too.

Iv mounted my motherboard in case mounts iv plugged everything in to a power supply and i checked the cables to see if loose. Im not sure if iv plugged them in, in an incorrect order of what.

Any ideas?

had problems with my phone yesterday didn't mean to select your answer haha was a stupid reason, thought it was something silly, was sure I had done everything else because I double checked and triple checked everything as I was doing it