Built up a Linux PC... What games?


May 7, 2013
I am struggling to get Wine to work with Steam to let me download my Windows games, it won't detect any harddrive space to install games to other than my small solid state partitions that I made upon installation of the OS... anyone have any suggestions towards Linux compatible games that will push my computers capabilities? Or better yet, any troubleshooting on installing Windows games on Steam under Wine on Ubuntu? Have an OC'd i7 4770k and GTX 760, 8gb's of overclocked ram...
Windows is the best for gaming, but Linux is still better than others like MAC OS X. I've never heard or saw someone in my life using Linux for gaming, so I'm not sure about the compatibility with windows. Keep in mind, many windows games ONLY WORK FOR WINDOWS. There are some sick games you can find on steam for Linux such as:
- Half Life 2
- Garry's Mod (I have it for windows)
- Metro Lat Night
- Amnesia
- Minecraft
- Portal 2
- DOTA 2
Windows is the best for gaming, but Linux is still better than others like MAC OS X. I've never heard or saw someone in my life using Linux for gaming, so I'm not sure about the compatibility with windows. Keep in mind, many windows games ONLY WORK FOR WINDOWS. There are some sick games you can find on steam for Linux such as:
- Half Life 2
- Garry's Mod (I have it for windows)
- Metro Lat Night
- Amnesia
- Minecraft
- Portal 2
- DOTA 2