Bunker hill security system

Mar 19, 2018
Questions on system 62368 are there any cameras that will interchange with the model 62367 I can't find any of them around I was told by harbor freight in Billings Mt. That they had them went to get and they said they would would work but they were the cobra brand model 638r3 they would not pair up would the defender brand Phoenix m2 work I think that's the number but on Amazon they look exact ly the same as the 62367 camera thanks for any help you can give me my email is <<Email address removed by moderator. Never post your email address. Communicate in the thread or via PM. Thank you.>> thank you again

Different brands - correct?

Can become a bit tricky to "mix and match" as the devices may appear physically identical but there may be internal hardware and firmware differences.

Not at all uncommon for companies to purchase from the same source but the end product is "branded" and internally designed for the end vendor's product line.

For the most part, although compatibility would be nice, manufacturer's prefer to hold you captive to their product line.

And even if "compatible" (definition can be vague) and if there are problems then, unfortunately, the manufacturer's are likely to just blame each other.....

Plus it is not at all uncommon for the product listings to just use the "nearest" product photograph and images available...
Different brands - correct?

Can become a bit tricky to "mix and match" as the devices may appear physically identical but there may be internal hardware and firmware differences.

Not at all uncommon for companies to purchase from the same source but the end product is "branded" and internally designed for the end vendor's product line.

For the most part, although compatibility would be nice, manufacturer's prefer to hold you captive to their product line.

And even if "compatible" (definition can be vague) and if there are problems then, unfortunately, the manufacturer's are likely to just blame each other.....

Plus it is not at all uncommon for the product listings to just use the "nearest" product photograph and images available. Maybe switch to a mirror image of an existing product instead of taking and presenting the correct image.

You may need to consider a return.


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