Stupid kids... Comes down to simple things. Both phones are great. But the two flaws with the HTC that pushed me to the S4 this time around (always had HTCs in the past) were no SD card and no options for extended batteries. The S4 has both. I have a collection of 64G SD cards I keep videos on for traveling (for when I can not reach my Subsonic server). Seido also has the 4500mAh battery kit. Very slim this time around also. Nice change from their usual fat size.
Still, that said, they are both good phones. But this childish behavior is just stupid. Choose the one you like for the reasons that fit your needs and enjoy it. I needed expanded memory (always) and extra battery life without plugging in (sometimes). So that made the decision for me. Doesn't make the HTC junk, just 'not for me'...
why would Samsung pay ppl to write fake reviews of HTC? That's like doing them a favor by pointing out the flaws, so that they could make improvements? A free marketing research granted by your competitor?!
why would Samsung pay ppl to write fake reviews of HTC? That's like doing them a favor by pointing out the flaws, so that they could make improvements? A free marketing research granted by your competitor?!
What about the problem that the fake review complained of was not true?