Question Burned my 7800x3d cpu after AM5 socket replacement


Jan 4, 2023
Hello guys, I am new to this group and frankly new to microsoldering I wanted to start fixing broken AM5 sockets and soldering as a hobby, did about 3 of them but eventually I stumbled across this x670E motherboard, the socket had bent pins, with no components fitted it used to POST by shorting the startup pins but red cpu light and yellow ram so I managed to replace the socket with this BGA station I ordered from AliExpress (IR6500 bga) I learned mainly from youtube tutorials, taking it off, cleaning the circuit , adding lead around and cleaning the excess with copper band and in the end attaching a new socket with bga heat, left it to cool and when it was time to make the test fitted cpu ram gpu and the psu cables and it did turn on for about 4 seconds I immediately felt the burnt smell and everything turned off, it burned my cpu and the new socket, now without any components fitted the mobo still posts but for about 3 seconds and turns off immediately, the x670e had the latest bios installed so my question is what causes this and what went wrong? I know I am far from an expert so please don't judge me too harsh😅
I don't know if the cpu works on another mobo as I don't have any spare parts yet to try but this was one expensive mistake to make, let me know your opinions.
P.s all around the socket the plastic melted I gave it a bit too much heat on the bga&placed the disc too close
Is it possible that some flux dropped on the socket pins and when in contact with the cpu and power this caused the short?

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