Burning smell after new soundcard got installed


Jun 14, 2015
So, today i finally got a new soundcard that is compatible with my Razer Tiamat 7.1 headset.

My old soundcard couldn't get the mic to function.

I placed it right under the graphics card. The graphics card is really big (gtx 970). I was a bit worried, but decided to let it go.

I installed the drivers and everything. I tested the mic and everything, it worked very well. I then went to play some Counter-strike and about 5 hours after the soundcard got installed, the mic suddenly stopped functioning. I thought it was a problem with CS. I couldn't find anything so i checked if the headset was plugged in. It was, but at the rear of my PC it smelled burnt.

I had to finish the match, or else i would get a 24 hour cooldown for leaving. About 20 minutes after i finished and turned off the PC. I opened my window to cool the room and 30 minutes after i turned on the PC again. The mic doesn't work and i don't know what to do..

[EDIT: I had a grid at the bottom of the case, it fell off when i was moving the PC around to LAN. It wasn't screwed or glued fast. And it hung on very poorly, i tried to put it on. But it kept falling off so i let it stay off. I suppose it was to prevent Dust?.

I also very recently increased the room temperature in my room.
Static might have caused it or it was a voltage problem, bad fuse, so many causes hey hard to tell from what you listed.

Hopefully the motherboard's PCI slot is not damaged, however I doubt it.

The grid will not really have an effect, unless something made contact with the parts inside due to the grid not being there.

Increasing the room temperature beyond a reasonable temperature is also not advisable since a pc can emit enough heat to actually heat up a room during winter time. So long as the room is sealed off but ventilation is always recommended so you can heat your room with say a heater or aircon and the machine should not have any problems.

The Tiamat has a reputation for having bad mic quality regardless so perhaps Razer is trying to save you the frustration 😛

Just kidding on that last part.

Hopefully you have insurance which will cover it if the mobo or sound card are damaged. Since you just bought the sound card you can RMA it.