''Burning'' Smell coming from case when hot. Could it be burn in?


Aug 1, 2014
Greetings gentlemen, this are my specs and temps

Msi gtx 1070 gaming x 8gb 38 idle/73 hottest
Ryzen 1700 31 idle/ 46 hottest
16gb ram corsair vengeance
msi b350m 36
one kingston ssd 35
one samsung m.2 41 / 53 at hottest
phanteks eclipse p400s
Corsair h60 2013 with noctua paste push pull with sp120
EVGA 600W semi modular 80+Bronce
2 fans up top 2 in the front
Everything is being run at stock speeds

I Installed the cpu AIO today, it was brand new, after doing so I saw a 10c temp decrease idle and almost 20 under load.
The thing is I recently noticed a slight burn smell could it be the burn in process of a new electronic part being installed or should I be worried.
Also are the other temps normal? I am very worried by the m2 since it sits right under the 1070 and when it gets hot they both do. I got the 1070 used yesterday and so far has performed well(I reinstalled the drivers from scratch) but is it too hot?

I am in Arizona and the temps are of around 24C-30C right now

Thanks for your help!
No there should be no burning smell. Burn-in does not literally mean burning.

One of the biggest problems of going to water cooling is that the VRMs are no longer getting adequate cooling. If those are running hot and giving off funny smells, this could be early signs of the board failing soon after.

Much new electronics will have an odd smell for the first several hours due to cooking off various solvents and chemicals used during the assembly process and could be mistaken for 'burning' smell. Clumps of dust when reusing old components / second-hand components finding their way on to hot components could cause burning-like smell too, especially if there is inadequate airflow around the socket/VRM due to using an AiO as VRM components can get to 100+C case temperatures and 125-175C junction temps.