Question Burning smell coming from pc randomly for last 2 months.


Sep 26, 2019
So im trying to see if I possibly get some help/or knowledge regarding the possible cause of this burning smell coming from my pc.

randomly my PC would start to have this weird like chemically/plasticy smell(honestly not sure if im even describing it right). The smell would last 1-2 days, then disappear for a few days to a week, then come back.
This has been happening for the last 2 months. 1-2 days of smell, gone for sometimes a week, then repeat again. And I have absolutely not clue where its coming from.

Here is what I know: Is it not coming from the PSU. It is not happening 'specifically' when my pc is under load. There doesnt seem to be any burnt wires/capacitors. it also goes away if I shut my PC off.

I can smell the smell faintly if i put my nose to the top of my PC case (NZXT phantom), but even if i put my nose directly behind the PSU or slightly in front of it in the case, I dont smell it.
Also, when I use my PC 90% of the time Im playing a game, so its always under load. But I have tried to stop playing games for hours at a time to see if its happening under load, and the smell persistant even when cpu/gpu was like >10%
I normally keep my PC on 24/7, however since the smell has been happening, I turn my pc off every night, and within minutes of me doing so the smell is gone.
I am completely stumped as to where the smell is coming from. Any kind of help would be appreciated. I would have already taken it to a repair shop to get it looked at, but i have no money.


Sep 26, 2019
Have you checked your temps? Wouldn't think cpu would be getting too hot, should be throttling down if it is getting that hot.
nope. I made a post a while back about my AIO cooler, thought the smell was coming from it as my temps were pretty high, and the water temp was also high. I changed to a way better cooler, and since then my temps have been great . in the last 30 minutes or so while gaming, my temps for CPU have been at a max of 53c with a Ryzen 9 3900x.


Mar 3, 2015
nope. I made a post a while back about my AIO cooler, thought the smell was coming from it as my temps were pretty high, and the water temp was also high. I changed to a way better cooler, and since then my temps have been great . in the last 30 minutes or so while gaming, my temps for CPU have been at a max of 53c with a Ryzen 9 3900x.
Take a whiff off of your power supply vent slots. Check for smelly ozone stench from the vent holes. Eliminate it from your hit list if it doesn't.
Change the wall power cable that goes into the PSU, just do it, believe me.
And change it with one with a high ampere rating.



Sep 26, 2019
Change the wall power cable that goes into the PSU, just do it, believe me.
And change it with one with a high ampere rating.

I actually disconnect the wire every night now since windows doesnt technically shut off anymore when u turn power off. and I've never noticed that cord being hot or anything.

But i will try to smell it tonight when i turn off my pc just in case