Burning Smell While Gaming


Sep 14, 2012
While playing tf2 the game sort of crashed ( froze then minimized to taskbar) and i noticed a burning smell coming from the rig. I couldnt locate where the smell was coming from directly but as soon as i closed the game from the taskbar it faded away.

My Rig:

i5 4440

gigabyte gtx 780 windforce 3 OC

PSU: Antec HCG 620M

i have 3 fans ( rear, side (colored), front (colored) ).

i mentioned before that i some intensive games used to freeze the pc totally, i had a corshair 600 W so i changed to antec thinking it was the wattage, but the problem continued. So i got a side fan thinking it was ventilation, and games worked. Thought the problem was gone until i played AC: Unity and it froze the pc.

i dont know honestly, could it be the rig requires 700 W ? or could it be that my grfx card is burning out ?

you have more than enough power for your whole rig. It's most likely your GPU, because since you got that side fan it's helping. And guess what? The side fan is right next to the graphics card.

Anyways, you can use software like HWMonitor to monitor both your GPU and CPU temps. If your GPU is around 80+ C, then your GPU is overheating. You can buy a gpu cooler for that.

If your CPU is also at 80+ C (I highly doubt this), then you need a new CPU cooler.