Bus speed, APM and overclocking APU A10-7850k


Nov 4, 2014
Hello, I'm OC my APU and I need help.

My specs:
APU: A10-7850k
Mobo: MSI Gaming A88x-g45
Cooler: Antec 1250
OS: Win 8.1

I've reached 4.4Ghz with 1.52v core, but I need an help with the bus speed:
How could I change it? I cannot boot even with a +0,1MHZ!
And I also need help... I can't find anywhere in the BIOS how to disable APM and override the 95W cap
(I'm a newbie but I've googled a lot before OC)

It seems too high to me,too! I'm tring to lower it, but at 4.4. it becomes unstable under 1.51V
Do you think that using 4dimms can cause the APU request more volts?

Howver I'm in the spot with the bus speed... I'm slowly raising it to 107MHz...
Does the bus speed interfere with the voltages?

Forgive my noob questions!