Buy a gaming PC if i'm not from US


Apr 28, 2015
So i have this question, i'm from México and i want a gaming PC, and yes this is my first gaming PC, i alredy see some products in cyberpowerPc and other sites like, but i am concerned about the shipping, anyone can give me some advice to know more about shipping or buy some if I am not from US (sorry for the grammar).
Try sourcing parts locally, find a online store that has a warehouse in mexico, that will be cheaper or you. If you do want to ship everything, the case is the most expensive part, so try and get one locally. Also, if this is your first gaming PC, stray away from the pre-built stuff, buy every part separate, and either assemble the computer yourself, or hire a local, it will be cheaper, I saved £1,200 because I built my computer myself.

the option of getting the parts here in Mexico it's to much expensive and i don't want to spend that much, also there is no much variety in my location, my budget it's around $900 US dlls and i want to buy something of US and pre-built, because it's my best option.

Thankyou for the answer and your time.