Buy a new GPU or a new PC

Nov 16, 2018
Hello all hope you can help me.

My GPU has been acting up for a bit now, by crashing and rebooting the system. It comes when I play surtain games.
So i am starting to wonder if I should upgrade it for a better one or if its better to upgrade the hole PC.

I have
i7-5820K 6 core 3,3 ghz cpu
Nvidia GTX 980 4GB
750W cooler master PSU

So the thing i need help with is, if the rest of the hardware is good and if there is no reason to upgrade it all, or is it better just to upgade everything.

Thanks in advance

Start with the cheapest solution - the psu. Get an EVGA psu for under $100 on Ebay and try that. If it doesn't help, then it could be the gpu. anything is cheaper than a whole new build.
Thanks for the replys.

@prince okay thank you, im just not sure that the problem only lies in the gpu, maybe its the psu that cannot deliver enough power.

@sctscream thank you for your reply, but the reason i want to but a new one is because my pc is crashing when i play games. It just started some weeks ago

Just because your PC crashes does not mean new hardware is necessary. It its possible but one should never conclude hardware replacement before going through basic troubleshooting steps. What is the crash?

I am pretty sure its hardware related.
I have reinstalled Windows 10 from scratch.
What happens is that when I play a game for a while, the pc reboots.
I have tried with a benchmark program too with same results.
So I think its either the gpu that is defect or maybe the psu that does not deliver enough power

Yes, and here lies my problem or worries at least.
Because do I buy a new psu and hope its that, but risk that its the gpu and waste money or maybe buy a new gpu and find out that it was the psu and waste money here or should I just sell the hole thing and buy a new one.

Start with the cheapest solution - the psu. Get an EVGA psu for under $100 on Ebay and try that. If it doesn't help, then it could be the gpu. anything is cheaper than a whole new build.

I think your right. Thats a good idea.
Im gonna do that. Thank you for your help :)