Buy a new PSU?

Usual guy

Jan 16, 2015
I never overclocked and don't plan to. I have an 80+ gold PSU that is not so great and for which I payed more than I should because of my stupidity of not researching it before. Is there any risk ever, that something will happen to my PC if I don't overclock it? That PSU is from a line of Corsair, i thought these guys must be reliable. So the question is, should I stay with my corsair RM 750 or change it for €140 Evga G2 (very expensive for me).
PSUs killing components when they die is more of a tier-5 kind of thing. On the PSU list, the Corsair RM is in tier three and you can expect those to fail relatively safely.

I personally haven't lost any hardware to bad PSUs, but that could be due to recognizing the signs of pending failure and fixing the PSUs before they failed completely instead of obstinately attempting to turn PCs back on after they randomly reboot, shut down or go into a boot loop as most people tend to do.
I work in IT, and from my experience, the most problems appear when a video cards breaks, RAM fails, hdd breaks (mostly seen). The PSU only breaks if the quality is poor of if there are noticeable problems on the power line (fluctuations etc).

140 for an EVGA G2 PSU seems to be wat too much money for that PSU in which country do you live?

Anyway, look for seasonic S12II, M12II, gold series
or EVGA GQ, same quality as EVGA G2 but cheapper due to the 5 year warranty and semimodularity


It's medium quality, tier 3 is not that bad i have a worse psu and mine hasn't died in 1 year and a half

You need very expensive equipment in order to test ripple

osciloscope and that kind of things

But i think you can use a PSU tester for voltage regulation, some psus ship with one

You need very expensive equipment in order to test ripple

osciloscope and that kind of things

But i think you can use a PSU tester for voltage regulation, some psus ship with one

The EVGA GQ is not the same quality as the EVGA G2, they're not made by the same manufacturer even.

No PSUs ship with a multimeter. Some EVGA ones have a "PSU tester" which really just shorts some wires to turn on the unit rather than you using a screw driver head to ignite the PS_ON signal.

Yeah, they are not made by the same manufacturer. As far as I know G2 series are made by Super Flower, and GQ series are made by FSP. Although according to johnnyGURU GQ are very reliable power supplies. Both 650W and 850W scored 10 in build quality, that is even higher than some G2 PSUS

The reason why GQ series are cheaper:

* 1.- 5 year warranty (G2 series have a 10 year warranty) which does not necesarily mean longer lifespan.

* 2.- Semi-modular instead of fully-modular (not really important to me since semimodular power supplies only have the most important cables attached to it)

* 3.- Smaller fan (but it has a semi-fanless mode)

But both are tier 1 and at that price they are outstanding values

That is just what I said, GS series have a psu tester


I don't go by tiers because that's just one individual's opinions, I think everything should be looked at objectively from various review sources, not just Jonnyguru.

The EVGA 750 G2, for instance, performs nearly twice as well as the 750 GQ in transient load testing,4396-7.html

There are lots of differences also when it comes to other mathematical-based tests (i.e. voltage measurements, ripple).

I think it's safe to say there's a lot of differences that add up and determine they are not the same quality.

Yes I know that tiers are ways to make first time builder's life easier and performance in a single tier may differ.

I am just providing a budget-option G2 must be better but that doesn't mean G2 is bad or is it?
