Hello. I'm running on older tech, a Core2Duo with 4 GB of DDR2 memory (http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231166). I do feel that after my HDD (which I'm about to upgrade to a Samsung EVO) my next bottle neck is my memory.
30-40 tabs isn't uncommon and I'd like more flexibility to run virtualization.
1) Is it worth buying the kit linked above? Do I have to get another pair that matches what I have already in my case or can I even go with something slower/cheaper like DDR2 800?
2) Although its unlikely I will upgrade my mobo any time soon, I imagine none of the DD2 will be usable on newer boards?
30-40 tabs isn't uncommon and I'd like more flexibility to run virtualization.
1) Is it worth buying the kit linked above? Do I have to get another pair that matches what I have already in my case or can I even go with something slower/cheaper like DDR2 800?
2) Although its unlikely I will upgrade my mobo any time soon, I imagine none of the DD2 will be usable on newer boards?