Buy GTX 700 series or wait for 800 series?


Dec 2, 2010
So basically what the topic says. Im feeling as though the GTX 700 series is a little below 1080p type gaming(with max settings of course). Nvidia i heard said that the 800 series is going to be projected for 1080p gaming. So its a waste of my money to buy any 700 series cards right now? you think? Has anyone heard any new info about maxwell cards or is Nvidia being super quiet about it. I think i heard Nvidia say it will double the 700 series performance(I could be wrong so don't quote me on it). Im stuck with two GTX 460 768 meg video cards and its either buy now or wait.(Honestly waiting isnt a problem especially if the 800 series is going to be double the performance.)
The 700 series can certainly cope with 1080p gaming. The GTX 770 should be sufficient, and if you don't believe that then there's always the GTX 780.

Of course, the 700 series is based on an aging architecture, so you will be able to get the same or more performance for a lower price and with lower power consumption when Maxwell arrives.
The 700 series can certainly cope with 1080p gaming. The GTX 770 should be sufficient, and if you don't believe that then there's always the GTX 780.

Of course, the 700 series is based on an aging architecture, so you will be able to get the same or more performance for a lower price and with lower power consumption when Maxwell arrives.
All 700 series will run any game currently out at max settings at 1080. The 780Ti and Titan are geared towards 2560x1440 gaming, and they do well.

Any 800 series (which it's anyones guess as to when they will come out) are also going to be geared towards 2560x1440 gaming.

No incremental update that nVidia has done has doubled performance. I would look at around 15-25% performance increase over current 700 series to the 800 series.

Of course nvidia are very quiet about it since maxwell will not coming out anytime soon. Personally i expect maxwell will come out late Q3 or somewhere around Q4 next year.