[SOLVED] Buy X470 and 2xxx then upgrade to 3700X, or wait for x570 and 3xxx?


Nov 30, 2018
I want to get a ryzen 3700X when it comes out. But I have little patience, so I do not want to wait until June.
Can I buy a X470 board and a Ryzen 2xxx, then upgrade to 3700X? or should I wait for x570 and ryzen 3700X?
Will there be performance improvements with x570 and 3700X, compared to x470 and 3700X?

Thanks in advance.
Performance will be similar with that CPU and the boards. You will need to update the BIOS of the X470 with the Ryzen 2000 Series before you can use the 3000 series on it.
I'm on the exact same boat
My heart and brain tells me to wait jusy a little bit longer and grab the brand new powerful 3xxx series along with a new fully supportive x570 board.
Have you decided to wait or build a PC now?

Waiting makes me nervous and it's dark hard because DMC5 arrives in 1 month and I hope my current CPU can run it at 4K 60fps Ultra for full glory!
Any idea when the 3xxx CPUs and x570 boards arrive?

I have decided to wait just a little longer, while I do more research on what components I will choose. And most people think that the ryzen 3xxx CPUs and maybe the x570 boards will arrive at computex, which will be at the end of May and the start of June. I'm still not exactly sure if I want to wait that long. If I spend too long thinking, time will make that decision for me eventually.

I have decided to wait just a little longer, while I do more research on what components I will choose. And most people think that the ryzen 3xxx CPUs and maybe the x570 boards will arrive at computex, which will be at the end of May and the start of June. I'm still not exactly sure if I want to wait that long. If I spend too long thinking, time will make that decision for me eventually.
Have you made a decision?
I am still considering this. I think the wait is almost over. And these few more before Ryzen 3xxx and x570 will pass faster than we know it.
I'll admit I'm also in due need of a new system, especially the CPU.

I'm extremely torn between getting x470+2700x (then spend MORE money and buy 3xxx).
Or get the new x570+ 3xxx CPU (probably 3800x or 3850x) when they drop.
By the way if you do buy a x470, what motherboard will you pick? Probably the hardest build choice for me. I just know picking and finding a x570 will be hard as well.
I think the X570 advantage will the the new PCIe standard, perhaps not much more. If you want to buy something now, dont be afraid, you wont miss much with the new chipset.
New PCIe arrangers could be a big deal with future GPUS. Those 3xxx CPU will carry us many years and several generations of GPUs. Last thing I want to hear is "you should update your MB for PCIe 4"...

Also maybe we will get better hardware features and BIOS with better 3xxx support, OC features and power usage.

Damn I wish I could make my mind!
Help deciding needed..need more opinions.

I have decided to wait just a little longer, while I do more research on what components I will choose. And most people think that the ryzen 3xxx CPUs and maybe the x570 boards will arrive at computex, which will be at the end of May and the start of June. I'm still not exactly sure if I want to wait that long. If I spend too long thinking, time will make that decision for me eventually.
What have you decided on doing? Did you upgrade now or decide to wait longer?

I'm currently on the wait for 3XXX Ryzen series and X570 motherboards. But I'm tempted to ugrade now. Although I think it might be foolish - with Ryzen 3XXX coming out very soon.
Still, if I do pick current Ryzen and X470 MB - what's the best X470 MBs right now? - That can best support Ryzen 3XXX when they release?
I still more likely to wait - because I want something like 3850X (or 3700X) CPU & X570 MB.