Buying a Good, Cheap PSU


Apr 7, 2014
Hi, once again. In this thread I talked about my need for a new PSU and the fan size which was resolved for me. :)
However, now I'm wondering how big a PSU I need. I've been looking at a couple models and the EVGA 100-W1-0500-KR looks pretty good.
Right now, I have the EVGA P55 LE, NVidia GeForce 8800, one regular 3.5" HDD, a 2.5" HDD, a DVD Writer, 2 x 2 GB Ram @ 1.5V.
However, I will be hoping to get 2 x 4 GB Ram, as well as an SDD and another 3.5" HDD which will be replace my 2.5" one.
I'm just wondering if the above PSU is fine to run that or if I need something better or if there is a cheaper one on the market you would recommend. Thanks for your time. :)

Between these two the XFX is much better!
Somebody gave me the PC when they bought a new one. Currently it has a crappy PSU which is 400W. However, I've used it for one-and-a-half years without a problem.
Sometimes I have issues with the mouse and keyboard, especially the keyboard, not working anymore when I game or render. Is this due to the PSU not being strong enough to carry it all? Just wondering if a new PSU will fix the problem or if I should also think about getting a new keyboard and mouse.

The keyboard issue is not related to the PSU. If the keyboard is acting up get a new keyboard.

Your PSU has nothing to do with the keyboard and mouse. It's not the keyboard/mouse being the issue if they work elsewhere, but I couldn't tell you what the problem is without knowing more info.

I just saw the XFX TS 550W PSU that looks really good and is being sold at Newegg for $26.99 here:
However, it says you get a $25 mail-in rebate. What exactly is that and how can I get it? I am not in the States but a friend of mine is visiting there, so he may be able to bring it for me.

That is a good PSU and a great deal at that price. Request your friend to buy it and then he should fill out the rebate form and mail it in along with the invoice, and proof of purchase (bar code on the carton). There is a time limit to do that. After that relax for about 6 weeks and the rebate check (sometimes a prepaid debit card) will be in the mail. I have done this many times with many different online merchants.
I may miss out on the $10 promo on the XFX one I mentioned. That would put it at $36.99.
is presently going for $37.99.
If that's the price difference, is it better to go for the Corsair, or should I still go for the XFX?

Between these two the XFX is much better!
^ what ubrales said!

looking in the u.k.
550W XFX Pro Core £46.98 inc. VAT
its also on scan and dabs for a few £ more.

or better:
XFX 550W TS-Series £52.99

i am suggesting the TS series because 1. its gold rated and 2. it has TWO 8 pin PCI-E power connections.
though 90% of graphics cards (yes i made that up) have at most 6 and 8 pin there are some custom cards like msi lightening series that use two 8 pin connections even though the gpu won't need that much power.

as you see you can use a ~400 watt PSU but you won't be really saving any money getting less than a 500-550 watt.

imho corsair is hit or miss - whatever they have that is budget isn't that good and whatever they have that is good is too expensive lately.
I will have to get my GPU checked. If it's dead then I'll have to get a new one and I'll see how much wattage I need then.
I asked my friend to get the XFX, but he was too late in checking his mail and the deal is now over. 🙁
How does it work with the rebate cards? Do you need to send the rebate card back before the promo is over or do you just need to have bought the item before it was over. Sorry for being so clueless, I have never been to the States. 😛

To qualify for rebates you need to buy the item within a certain set period; they will specify the period. After that you will have a reasonable amount of time; usually a few weeks, to send in your rebate application.

The rebate application form can be downloaded from their website. Fill it out, include the original invoice, the bar code cut out from the packaging, sign the form and mail it. Relax and wait for about six weeks and your check (or prepaid debit card) will be in the mail.