Buying a GTX 260, want to make sure everything will work


Sep 10, 2009
Well, after a load of googling, I'm finally just going to ask.

I'm about to buy a GTX 260 core 216, and am thinking of adding another later, but want to make sure I'll be able to do that. I have a 750w psu, but it only has 2 6-pin connectors, and 2 8-pin connectors. Seeing as the 260 needs 2 6-pin connectors, can I get 8-pin to 6-pin adapters later on if I want to add another 260? Here's a link to my PSU:

Here's my specs just in case

4GB of DDR2 ram (upgrading to 8GB when I get 64-bit)
XFX 750i SLI motherbored
Intel 2.5GHz quad core processor
DVD drive

Also, I'm upgrading from a 9800GT, [strike]is there anything I could do with that besides boxing it back up?[/strike]
EDIT: Would it be worth it to use it as a dedicated PhysX card?

One last thing, what would you say I do about cooling after I get this. Currently my case has a 120mm fan on the front, 2 80mm fans on the back, and an 80mm on the side. There's room on the motherbored side of the side for another 80mm fan, should I get one?

Answers to any or all of the questions would be great.

Well, I think I figured out what I'm going to do. I found a dual IDE power to 6-pin converter, so I'm going to use that to power my 9800GT as a PhysX card. Then use the 2 6-pins from my PSU for a GTX 260. Then if I want to get another 260 I'm just gonna buy another PSU. And I'll figure out the whole cooling thing once I have it installed.