Buying a GTX 980ti


Dec 25, 2013
Im Currently looking into buying a gtx 980 ti but i dont know what is the best one i am running it on a 1080p monitor at 144 hz. I am currently running with a evga 970 ssc and i love using evga precision x and i use k boost, if i get a different manufacturer can i still use the k boost option. Thank you. And also i have a 750 watt PSU would that suffice with a 980 TI
Of course, I have a PNY gpu and use MSI Afterburner. I personally like all the 980ti's, but some favs are the Zotac AMP! Extreme, ASUS Strix, and Gigabite G1.

There are some more high end ones like the MSI Lightning, EVGA Hybrid, MSI Sea Hawk.
Of course, I have a PNY gpu and use MSI Afterburner. I personally like all the 980ti's, but some favs are the Zotac AMP! Extreme, ASUS Strix, and Gigabite G1.

There are some more high end ones like the MSI Lightning, EVGA Hybrid, MSI Sea Hawk.
Yes I agree with JuiceHunter, MSI afterburner seems to be the best. I used to use precision X but I prefer the standard Afterburner interface. But that's just my personal opinion. They both seem to run on the same engine.
Someone said that you can get K Boost on other cards to by installing MSI Afterburner and installing the EVGA Precision X Skin.

I have a gigabyte 980ti g1, which overclocks like a beast.
and it is a great card but now there is also the Gigabyte 980ti extreme (which would be my choice) that has slightly better cooling than the already stellar G1 (600W vs 700W on extreme). Many other custom cooled 980tis only push off around 400W of heat and sometimes it is hard to find this information.
I personally would not go beyond a gigabyte extreme. Water cooled or hybrid cooled cards I would only get if you have a cooling problem in your case.
