Question Buying a new 1080p 27-inch monitor ?


Feb 27, 2019
Hello! I am looking to get a PC monitor and would like to ask some questions. I have the Nvidia GTX 970 graphics card which comes with HDMI 2.0. Since I am not gonna replace the graphics card anytime soon, I will get a 27inch 1080p monitor.

  1. Does it matter if the monitor has display port since HDMI 2.0 can run at 1080p 240Hz or display port is still better than HDMI.
  2. Will freesync work with my nvidia card?
  3. Gsync monitors are much more expensive. Does it worth the extra cost, considering that my GPU can barelly play new games at > 50-60 fps? And even if I replace it someday, not sure I ll buy nvidia or AMD..
  4. In general, with my graphics card capabilities, does it matter if I get a monitor with more than 75Hz ? Also notice that I dont play FPS games and generally I am a casual gamer, mostly RPG, strategies and MMOs.
Thanks in Advance!

PS. Sorry for bad English


Feb 27, 2019
also to answer to the pinned guide:

1. What Is Your Country Of Origin?


2. What do you plan to do with this monitor? (ex. Games, Movie Watching, Photo Editing, etc.)

Movies - Series - Casual Gaming(RPG, MMO, Strategies. No FPS games)

3. What resolution and screen size do you want?

27inch, 1080p

4. What refresh rate do you want? (ex. 60 hz , 70 hz.)

Thats open to advice. My graphic card (GTX 970) can barelly play new games at 50-60 fps. So I guess 70-75Hz will be good

5. How much are you looking to spend?

150 - 250 euros

6. Brands Preferred (ex. Samsung, Acer, Asus, AOC, HP, Viewsonic, etc. )

Dell has a good support on my Country but I am open to suggestions

7. Brands Not Preferred (state reason why)


8. Are You Buying More Than One Monitor?


9. How Many Displays Can Your GPU Support Maximum? And what GPU and driver version are you using if applicable?

No idea. I have the Nvidia GTX 970 with the latest drivers.

10. What Port Do You Want To Connect To (ex. DVI-D, HDMI, etc).

HDMI or Display Port

11. Is This Monitor A Primary Display Or A Secondary Display?


12. Is This A Secondary Display For A Laptop?
