Buying a new processor for heavy gaming


Jun 18, 2011
I want to buy a new processor for heavy gaming, i heard intel is better than amd so im gonna get one of those, but idk which one to buy for my computer, best buy no longer has my computer in its database but they have a computer thats similar, ill post it below.

please help i want to be able to play games on higher settings and im pretty sure its my processor thats slowing them down, cuz when i overclocked my processor with amd overdrive my fps doubled, or almost tripled in all my games. i need help picking out what kind of processor for about 400 dollars, and also need advice on whether i would need to get a whole new motherboard or any other advice to accomodate the new processor, i dont want to spend any more than that unless there is a significant difference, im looking for I7 intel.

Above is the type of computer i have, the only differences is my computer doesnt have a blueray, i upgraded the graphics card to a gtx 550ti, i upgraded to a 600 watt power supply, my computer has a 1.5 TB harddrive, and my comp has as AMD phenom II six core processor. Everything else i imagine is the same, idk about the mother board, cuz best buy no longer shows specs for it, here is a link to my computer but with not full specs and no upgrades

THank you in advance.
So the link you provided is not your excact PC? Do you have the exact model? Could it be this one?

Assuming it is I do not see why you would want to upgrade your CPU. You would need to replace your motherboard as well. Your CPU is quit capable of running all modern games. To be honest what you want to upgrade is your graphics card. If you are in the US $400 would get you a GTX670, which would give you a HUGE performance increase in games.

Also, what make/model 600W power supply do you have?

Yes that is the computer i have, i cant play most of my games on high settings and that bugs me, and like i said i overclocked it and i got a big difference in fps, my processors were at 7 or 800 mhz and it boosted it to 2700 mhz and i noticed a great difference in game speed, and i had heard that some game are more processor heavy so i figured i would just get a better processor, idk that much about computers but if i need to also get a mother board and new windows im willing to spend about 600.00

Yes i have a corsair gs 600W, i dont think a bigger card will fit in my case, thats another reason i just want a processor
If overclocking your processor makes the difference you claim then its not running properly and you want to solve the problem not upgrade it. I assume you have the 1045T if you say it runs up to 2.7GHz and it should only run at 800MHz when its idle. If its not running at 2.7GHz when gaming it is most likely throttling due to overheating. To check download HWMonitor (free) and check what temperatures it runs at when gaming.
Please don't go out and buy an i5 or something and expect a performance boost with a 550Ti.

That is also a very good point I didn't pick up on. If he is seeing it at idle clocks and using software to clock it at 2.7GHz, he is basically running the PC out of powersave mode. It should ramp up when in game or another heavy app.

Also for the OP, I would measure the area you have for a card. I have a buddy who has an HO elite and is running a GTX470 and upgraded his PSU and was able to fit everything just fine.

Ya i forgot to mention that, it was running on powersave mode, but even then it never went past 1800 mhz when idle, i really dont know much about computers all i know is i want to play company of heroes on ultra with 8 players!!

First, like others have said you do NOT need a new proc. Second, do you have a pre-built comp or a custom built one?

Btw, the 550 ti (as I've just heard) is a 200 series card re-branded basically. That's your problem,

I'd suggest grabbing better cooling for your prob. a hyper 212+ is like 20 bucks at or (maybe 30 on the egg).

It's ok if the processor is at 1800 mhz on idle, I'd worry about what it is under load.

If you have a pre-built comp, it might be best for you to grab a new mobo, case, psu and put it into one you build yourself. Long-term this is the best solution.

You could sell the 550 ti, and grab a gtx 480, or a 580 for under $150, and $180 resp. on e-bay.

That way, you'll have a cool new system, that'll run everything for a while fine, without breaking the bank.

I appreciate all the advice, its a normal $900.00 computer from best buy, with some upgrades like the video card and power supply, but im thinkign about just saving up adn gettign a new comp from i buy power, this is what im looking at, i just want to know whether i can put the harddrive i already have in there no problem??? also if i do buy this comp ill sell my other hardware and stuff to recoup some of my losses...and yeah i kinda want to break the bank.