Buying GPU for The Witcher 3/Skyrim Modding


May 15, 2014
So, I like mods. A lot. I am in pursuit of the best graphics one can get. I've got cash set aside, bugdet up to ~1200$ maybe (note that a 780Ti here in Norway is 900+ USD). I could pay more, but I feel like that much for gaming is a waste. I'm a student after all.

Current Rig:
Corsair RM850 Gold 80+
i7 4770K
z87 g-45 Gaming mobo
Samsung 840 EVO SSD

I reckon the only thing I need is a good GPU. I did buy this one in february or something, but it doesn't really do the job. With the amount of high-texture mods and ENBs I'm running for Skyrim I can rarely get more than 20 FPS. I was thinking of getting a 4GB version of the 780Ti as the memory is sorely needed for all the 2k-4k textures.

Now I hear that the 800-series are coming, so I've reconsidered. I don't play Skyrim anymore, only CoD4 ProMod, which I have max fps on, so I'm in no hurry. I think I'll wait if the performancedifference is large enough.
My questions are:
- how long will it take for OCd versions of it to come out, if it arrives in mid-Sept? - Should I wait for a new flagship gpu like a 880ti/titan-thing? The witcher doesnt come out until Feb 2k15, and it wont launch with modsupport, so I can wait until christmas at least.
- How much performance-difference in terms of FPS might one see compared to a 780Ti?(I assume that would be enough for 60 FPS on modded Skyrim, possibly W3. I want to have a card that can achieve 60 FPS with hundreds of mods running, pretty much no matter what the game is rendering.).


I would wait for the 800 series, it would seem appropriate for their cards to...

Well, it is considerably cheaper, from 500$ and up, but I'm not interested in compromising, to be honest. I am willing to spend up to 1200, as I said. I can go further too if it becomes necessary.
wow.. then just get the 780ti or the much hotter R9 290X, they're both basically the same performance with the 780ti having a slight edge. You seem to be contradicting your statment that your trying to go cheap but then you're willing to spend up to 1200 on a GPU.

Yeah, I edited the first post, it was a bit confusing. I'm interested in theories people might have as to the performance of the upcoming 800-series compared to current top-end cards though. I really don't need a card right now, it would be more fun of course, but I can wait.
No one really has a full idea of how the 800 series are. We know that they're more effecient but to go in detailed specs is something we can't really provide. One thing I can tell you is when the 800 series does release you'll still have to wait about 2-3 months before non-reference coolers are available. So you'll be waiting quite a while

Well I can live with that. I seem to remember there being quite a significant step up to the 700-series from the 600s. If it is something like that I guess it would be worth the wait. Not sure if I'll find something that run my mods @ steady 60 FPS though, as I would probably need SLI 780s for that to happen.

I would wait for the 800 series, it would seem appropriate for their cards to have 4gb as amd are doing it, so as a marketing way of thinking about it, 4gb of vram seems almost certain imo. And bear in mind a 6gb 780 ti is going to be released soon, so if you don't want compromises, wait for one or the other

Hm, 6 GB, eh? I reckon that might be a bit overkill for Skyrim, but if W3 gets the same level of mod support I can see that being useful. Thats probably going to be like 1500 USD here in Norway I suspect, though. I'll wait until something like that comes out at least then.

Do you think they'll launch the 880 straight away though? I seem to recall that they only released up to 770 last year, at the 700series launch.