Buying new "gaming" laptop

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Mar 11, 2014
Hey. I decide that i am going to buy a new laptop. I would like to use it mainly for games. Because im not familiar with latest builds and i dont know what are current good components, im asking you for help.
My budget is 1000 us $. Can you please give me example of gaming computers in that price range. Preferable Toshiba laptops, because i can get them with a discount. But any other brand would be good too.

Thank you for your help.
I would consider Toshiba one of the worst laptop brands. Make sure you google the unit you are thinking of buying with the word problems and see what kinds of things people have to deal with.

A $1000 is not that much if you go for "Gaming" laptop. Here is one just over $1000

It will probably only play new triple A titles on medium. However, it would easily handle LoL,DoTa,Cs:Go etc.

A 1000$ desktop would destroy the performance of a $1000 laptop, are you sure you need a laptop?
Yes, i have a gaming desktop computer. But i travel a lot and i need laptop for that =). Any other suggestions for laptops ?

It doesnt need to be in gaming rank. Just enought to support for example: lol, maybe fifa 2016, etc...
I would rank quality as ASUS, Dell, Acer in that order. The Dell is a good model, but the ASUS brand has a higher quality rating although that rating is a few years old by now. The specs are almost equal among them for medium quality games, the Dell is probably the best buy due to components and price, once you get to design and looks and how much possibly better quality is worth to you, that's up to you.
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