buying new headphones


Jan 2, 2016
i now have the turtle beach px22 and i want to buy sennheiser 598 i know yhey are way more expensive but will i hear a lot of difference

The password is for use on Massdrop, and should NOT be the password you use for the email you are signing up with.

ok thanks man i'll take a look at it


i cant make an account they ask for my email and when i type it in it says invalid password
I went from turtle beach x42's to sennhesier hd558's and the difference was night and day in fact they made me a bit of a headphone snob. I now look at turtle beachs and most of the gimmky "gaming" haeadphones as rubbish. 598s are okay but I dont know if I would recommend them for gaming they have great soundstage so its very easy to hear which direction sound is coming from, how far away sound is etc however they are a bit light in bass even more so than my 558s and I think they are a bit weak in the bass department. If you dont care much about bass they are a great choice.

Massdrop is great for getting good deals on headphones and audio products in general I also use them frequently.

The password is for use on Massdrop, and should NOT be the password you use for the email you are signing up with.