Buying new part for PC (Need Advice)


Mar 30, 2017
Right, so
MEMORY: 2x4 GB Hyperx Fury 1600MHz

Here is my specs.

I am looking to upgrade this piece of crap. Complated NieR:Automata today on it and I was not please with perfomance . I got about 40-60 fps with drops to even 11) :/
but mostly 40.
I am looking to upgrade a GPU or CPU for it. Looking to spend about 110 pounds MAX. (used parts are welcome).
PS.YES, I am waiting for ryzen. BUT, this will be my 2nd build that I will give to my GF, once I complete my Ryzen build in June. But for now I want to upgrade this one.
So I would like to ask you if you can reccommend me any part I could change so I could run for example NieR: Automata at stable 50 or 60 FPS. (if possible) idk whats bootlenecking the system
Your CPU is holding you back the most, then your next "issue" is the older GPU. Consider doing an upgrade to a 6000 series or 8000 series CPU. The FX 6300 is a good band-for-the-buck, but if you can find an FX 8300 / 8320 / 8350 that would be a welcome upgrade as well. Just temper your expectation on overclocking on that 780 chipset motherboard. Maybe aim for one of those processors to be at 4.0GHz and call it done... Upgrading the GPU can be a bit more liberal since it can be used in your future build (unlike the FX CPU upgrade).
Your CPU is holding you back the most, then your next "issue" is the older GPU. Consider doing an upgrade to a 6000 series or 8000 series CPU. The FX 6300 is a good band-for-the-buck, but if you can find an FX 8300 / 8320 / 8350 that would be a welcome upgrade as well. Just temper your expectation on overclocking on that 780 chipset motherboard. Maybe aim for one of those processors to be at 4.0GHz and call it done... Upgrading the GPU can be a bit more liberal since it can be used in your future build (unlike the FX CPU upgrade).
Jwpanz I am looking to spend just 110 pounds max. One thing at time. Thats why I am asking WHAT component to upgrade first, which of them is bottlenecking the system the most.
This build iwll remain on the same mobo and fx cpu (my ryzen build will be completly new build)