C: Drive The Swallowing Black Hole


Nov 5, 2013
Hi guys,

I am freaking out and I can't cope with this C: Drive anymore. No matter how much I clean it up for years and years it keeps getting to 0 bytes of free space available. I've been dealing with this problem for years. I already had a phase where I deleted hybernation files and cleared all kinds of bull. A few hours ago I did some cleaning up for the millionth time and freed up some more space. Just hours later again 0 bytes free. This drive is becoming less and less my personal files, and more and more void, since I keep deleting them but the drive keeps filling. I use CCleaner on a daily basis! I am so pissed, no matter what I do the drive swallows everything like a black hole!

Sorry for the bitterness. Please help me!

EDIT: After deleting the hybernation files I had like at least 10GB free. I never add any files to C:, only delete more. Where did the 10+GB go over the course of the year?
How much capacity does the drive have? It could simply be too small for Win 10. Also, how large is your swapfile.sys? It could be you're constantly running out of actual RAM so Windows is forced to grow your swapfile.sys to compensate.


Nov 5, 2013
Although, all of your feedback was helpful, and I did delete a bunch of viruses thanks to Corwin65, Windirstat from 13thmonkey really resolved the problem for me, I found a bunch of idiotic temp files that CCleaner wouldn't clean and other. Hopefully with a few new gigs of free space and with having killed 10-15 awful trojan viruses the C: drive won't return to 0 bytes in a week. Cheers!

Edit: Also, emails took 3.8GB!!! and is one of the ever increasing data chunks since I receive about 100 mails a day