c:nvidia folder gone. i had photos in it

Oct 9, 2018
i stocked all my photos/videos in it. and its gone. how can i restore my photos? any idea? i tried recovery programms(disk drill, recuva). but it did not help.

What happened to your HDD before this folder disappeared? Any malware/virus issues? Is your HDD healthy (have you checked its status recently)? Have you been saving a copies of photos to a Google Drive/OneDrive or other cloud service?

If you don't have at an alternate source or a backup, then the files are likely gone for good (it seems).
i did not delete it. it delete itself i think. i just realized it yesterday. i didn't even know when it's gone.

no viruses, no malwares. my ssd is healthy. and i'm not using cloud services 🙁 nothing dissappear but c:\nvidia folder. i thought it's about geforce updates. i tried system restore on windows. but it didn't come back 🙁