Approximate Purchase Date: Summer, before next year's studies
Budget Range: £900-£1000
System Usage from Most to Least Important:
Siemens NX CAD work (Rendering etc); Photography (Lightroom/Photoshop CC); Gaming (generally not AAA); Video Editing with Vegas
Are you buying a monitor:
Not yet, but am considering a 1440p 27" (will not be included in the budget)
Parts to Upgrade:
All, New build, possibly reusing newer mass storage from old pc, also reusing Asus Strix Soar Soundcard
Do you need to buy OS: Yes
Preferred Website(s) for Parts:
Amazon, Overclockers (I'm not super bothered so long they're reputable)
Location: Gloucestershire, UK
Parts Preferences:
Intel CPU, Like corsair (Air 240 for case maybe), thinking quadro for graphics
Overclocking: Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: No
Your Monitor Resolution:
1600x900 and 1280x1024, will eventually go to 1440p or similar.
Additional Comments:
Would like a side window, and quiet if possible. Using Siemens NX 8.5 (10.0 as well maybe); Adobe photoshop & lightroom cc; Sony movie studio 12
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading:
I'm currently in my first year at uni, and am finding that though my current rig (AMD A10-6800k & GTX 750ti) can do the cad work i need (albeit slowly), to be more efficient with my time, and allow for the more taxing stuff i'll be doing next year, i need a speed bump. my current rig will have been around for 3 years by the time i plan to upgrade.
I would be most grateful for any help anyone can provide!! i know it's not being built right now, but i would like to figure out exactly how much money to raise!
Budget Range: £900-£1000
System Usage from Most to Least Important:
Siemens NX CAD work (Rendering etc); Photography (Lightroom/Photoshop CC); Gaming (generally not AAA); Video Editing with Vegas
Are you buying a monitor:
Not yet, but am considering a 1440p 27" (will not be included in the budget)
Parts to Upgrade:
All, New build, possibly reusing newer mass storage from old pc, also reusing Asus Strix Soar Soundcard
Do you need to buy OS: Yes
Preferred Website(s) for Parts:
Amazon, Overclockers (I'm not super bothered so long they're reputable)
Location: Gloucestershire, UK
Parts Preferences:
Intel CPU, Like corsair (Air 240 for case maybe), thinking quadro for graphics
Overclocking: Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: No
Your Monitor Resolution:
1600x900 and 1280x1024, will eventually go to 1440p or similar.
Additional Comments:
Would like a side window, and quiet if possible. Using Siemens NX 8.5 (10.0 as well maybe); Adobe photoshop & lightroom cc; Sony movie studio 12
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading:
I'm currently in my first year at uni, and am finding that though my current rig (AMD A10-6800k & GTX 750ti) can do the cad work i need (albeit slowly), to be more efficient with my time, and allow for the more taxing stuff i'll be doing next year, i need a speed bump. my current rig will have been around for 3 years by the time i plan to upgrade.
I would be most grateful for any help anyone can provide!! i know it's not being built right now, but i would like to figure out exactly how much money to raise!