Cain & abel


Mar 19, 2011
hello all ,

maybe this is not the right place to ask this,(if its not i am sorry)but i will try it anyway.

does anyone knows a website where i can find a complete and easy to understand tutorial for the program cain & abel?
i already searched for it on google and the only interesting thing i found was oxit- it website but there i could not find a tutorial at all.

please help.

thanks in advance!

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


first of all thanks for the reply,
i looked at the site you suggested and found it usefull too.but now i have another problem with cain and abel,
namely i cannot import hashes from a text file.i googled for it and i found a usefull site and i tried the suggestion on the site but despite of that i caanot import the hashes in no way.can you help me with clearing this out?please, if you reply do that on the topic "import hashes from text file".i will make that topic now.

thanks in advance!!!!



i forgot to mention the site i spoke of before.
it is :

i hope you received this on time.

thanks in advance!!
So I am not sure what exactly you are looking to do with Cain and Abel. Password crack related? If so do you have access to the machine? I have a better solution that C&A. I will get back to you later on the hashes issue anyway.