calculation test> illegal sumeout (fx 8350 at 4.300)


Nov 13, 2015
title says it really, I just overclocked my fx 8350 past my previous 4.2 but amd overdrive says calculation test> Illegal sumeout which led to calculation test > possible hardware failure this was detected at a 1 minute test of everything under stability testing, I have auto voltage on in the bios but I am pretty sure its not accurate or I was told something wrong any help would be appreciated thx.
DONT ANSWER THIS THREAD i have fixed it, some cpu features where toggled off from my last 4.2 clock I had every cpu feature disabled except hpc but now I gotta leave em default and it works fine

still rokin a thermal margin of 45C im good, im using a hyper 212 evo with an added fan plus my case has 5 fans on the cpu