California to teach about gays in history.

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Oh bordel.

I think history of the straight world is a big point which need time to spend on different places (North&South America, Europe, Asia, Africa etc...)
but i read this: "California law already requires state schools to teach about the contributions of Native Americans, African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, and Asian-Americans, among other groups." and now i wonder what do us kids learn in history. instead of history of america...

"History should be honest," Brown said in a statement.


History should be re-written, so.
And not being written only by winners.

A couple of comments occur to me;

Is the new history going to say the Caucasian race is responsible for mistreating and abusing every race throughout history?

Most gay men I know dont want to hear about what gay women did in history - and vice versa. Just sayin....

Are we going to have to include Canadian history next - eh?

On a serious note, why cant we just teach history? I dont really know if Ben Franklin is gay or hetero, and I really dont care and I dont want to know - I dont think it matters. Why is sexual orientation important to what happened? Do I care to know if Paul Revere stopped on his ride to admire a pair of lady's shoes? Should we know how many partners the person had - why? How is this relelvant to what they did?

I think about how we persecute guys with combovers - are we going to select them out next for a special place in history?

The whole thing is humorous....
the law doesnt mean or say that kids will have to read chapter 4 "Intro to gay marriage".

Its more or less talking about the subject as it relates to people. Some people are gay or have been persecuted for being gay.

It would be like saying take race out of history.
Children are not little adults. They are by definition developing into adults. Children are not "sexual" beings until they enter puberty and then it's a progressive sexual development process not an instantaneous event.

If you expose a child to sexually related information before they have reached a comparable level of sexual development it is child sex abuse.

The last thing I would consider to be a good idea is for the government to determine when a particular child is ready to be introduced to something as complex as human sexuality. Is there too much emphasis on science, English and arithmetic? That's why we have to use them as political pawns or subjects for do-gooder social engineering!

Good grief! Leave the kids alone!
I have a problem with this being that why don't we teach better Math, Science, English, and History? I do not really care who is gay and who is not, but I am kinda biased for begin straight.

The issue I see is not pride or equality, but rather teaching tolerance. What the government does not know is that social evolution comes with time. Notice how we as a society are being more accustomed to homosexuality. It is social evolution. We the people do not need the government to inform us, rather we need to seek it ourselves. If we want to know who was gay in history, just look it up. Look at Alan Turing. Was he gay...we don't know.

I agree wholeheartedly. The point of this bill (As I understand it) has to do with acknowledgment. Like mentioning that Turing was gay or Capote. As it stands now you are not allowed to talk about non-traditional relationships even when discussing history.
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