Call of Duty FPS Drop when moving mouse


Mar 14, 2014

When Im in call of duty 4, i have about 250 fps. But when i start to move my mouse, it starts to fall down about until 170, but only for mouse movements, when pressing WASD it changes only a little bit. I have this problem only on Windows 7 / 8, on XP it works fine, and I have 250 fix.
I dont want to use windows xp because sounds are shit on it. They sounds like 22.4 khz or 16 bit sound, and thats not good.

Some info from dxdiag:
Operating System: Windows 8.1 Pro N 64-bit (6.3, Build 9600) (9600.winblue_gdr.131030-1505)
System Model: MS-7519
Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E6600 @ 3.06GHz (2 CPUs), ~3.1GHz
Memory: 4096MB RAM
Card name: AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series
Mouse: Logithech G9x
When you move you mouse the computer has to load a lot more textures and re render than if you were to slide left to right or forward. 170fps is still more than any monitor can handle. It isn't a software issue, it is a hardware limitation. If you want better fps you will need a nicer card, a different version of windows won't do anything

But on windows xp it works fine.
And when im moving with WASD , it still works fine. Only drops fps when moving mouse.


What difference does it make? Is it lagging? 170 FPS is faster than you could probably utilize. I agree with the above poster - it's a hardware limitation. If you need 500 FPS upgrade your computer - You really don't need more than about 60-120 FPS anyway so I don't see what the problem is.

I need more fps because of

  • ■ Shooting with a pistol fast is more possible with more fps than with less fps
    ■ my screen is flickering worse when i have 125 fps with 75hz, than with 250ps/75hz, so movements are smoother
    ■ Your jump size, run speed a little bit different than with 125
    ■ Btw. FPS is needed for me only game calculations, not for "visibility limitations"
I had this same problem with call of duty 4 , my fps would keep dropping randomly whenever i moved the mouse only but FPS remained constant when i moved with WASD on a 4th generation Intel CPU (i5-4670K)
it seemed that my BIOS version was outdated and was "version f5" and when i looked up for my motherboard BIOS updates I found that it had f9 and f10 versions already and they had in their notes (now supports 4th generation intel Processors) and the latest one ( imrpoves "K" version intel processors )
so i updated my BIOS version through a program called @BIOS i downloaded from the gigabyte website and i flashed the new BIOS through the windows , only had to restart for it to apply and never had fps lags when i moved the mouse again

sorry for the late reply
tl;dr version
update your BIOS version