Call of Duty Ghosts won't show FPS


Dec 13, 2013
Hello all,

Call of Duty Ghosts is running beautifully but I am unable to show the FPS using Fraps and/or Riva Statistic Server. Both programs show FPS in other games just not Call of Duty Ghosts. Does anyone know the reason why?

Thanks in advance,


The Fraps icon or CoD icon?
It seems like FPS can't be shown using developers console either. My last advise would be to start the game and run the fraps benchmark(default key F11). Play the game for a few minutes then press F11 again and close it. See your benchmark results in the fraps save log files. Don't forget to check benchmark settings for MinMaxAvg.

I can't seem to find a thread or anything admitting to it. But I believe because of the games horibble optimization and horrible stuttering that they blocked FPS as well as community in game overlay (if you're settings are on extra that won't even open). Infinity Ward is blaming system hardware for the games stutter but when I first got the game my FPS would be 55-80 (FPS used to show at one point) on my 760 2GB overclocked.