Call of Duty(R): World at War Multiplayer - BEX problem


Jan 17, 2012
CPU Intel Core2Duo E8400, Video Card GV-N275UD-896H, MB ASUS P5G41T-M LX, RAM Corsair 4GB Dual Channel DDR3 Memory Kit (CMP4GX3M2A1600C9)
Win7 Ultimate 32 bit v.6.1.7600., nVidia Driver 285.62

Call of Duty(R): World at War Multiplayer - BEX problem

In the window - follow message:
Call of Duty(R): World at War Multiplayer has stopped working

Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.

-> Check online for a solution and close the program
->Close the program

View problem details
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: CoDWaWmp.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4aea1f42
Fault Module Name: CoDWaWmp.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4aea1f42
Exception Offset: 00360598
Exception Code: c0000409
Exception Data: 00000000
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 98a7
Additional Information 2: 98a72224dea2166ed25b8165aa85a553
Additional Information 3: 45b7
Additional Information 4: 45b7ba83f519931814526f039b986697

Read our privacy statement online: [...] cid=0x0409

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I have same exact problem, just occured today. I tried deleting my profiles, that didnt seem to help. Now to make matters worse, I lost my profile. I hope someone figures this out. Here is my error which is the same as yours.
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: CoDWaWmp.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4aea1f42
Fault Module Name: CoDWaWmp.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4aea1f42
Exception Offset: 00360598
Exception Code: c0000409
Exception Data: 00000000
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 98a7
Additional Information 2: 98a72224dea2166ed25b8165aa85a553
Additional Information 3: 45b7
Additional Information 4: 45b7ba83f519931814526f039b986697
Same bs problem here.I have the game on steam and the problem manifested itself in december 2011.Tried to figure a solution for getting around this little predicament and i've come up with 2 solutions:1.Reinstall windows.(dont want to,only for a game that i play from time to time).2 Try a new internet connection.
When i launch the game in single or multyplayer and have an online profile the result is the error.(local id 1033).When connecting offline the result is the game works.When connecting through a different ISP,in my case a mobile net connection,the result is that the game starts normally and i could play.
So the possible culprits seem to be the Network card and the ISP(from my POV).
Hope it helps,but i didnt find any other solution besides reinstalling windows....
Found a solution to the Local ID 1033 problem caused by COD WAW in my PC.Let me start by pointing out who's responsable for the problem in the first place in my paradigm:the windows firewall+the other firewall that i have from Kaspersky internet security.The windows firewall was deactivated and the KIS firewall active resulting in the problem manifesting itself.After activating the windows firewall(was experimenting to see whos the culprit) the game could start normaly.After deactivating the private and public network from being monitored by win firewall and letting only domain on,i could block inbound communication on the 2 exe's from COD WAW in KAS firewall so that the game could run.The Win firewall by default blocks this communication option.Hope this helps :hello:
Glad to see it's working not only in my case.The problem is kinda old and in their backyard and it should be fixed by now.All's well when it ends well to put it fairly.
I'm not sure I fully understand your solution, but I also have KIS and am receiving the same BEX error you are.

Could provide more detail on exactly what you did to fix your COD WAW and keep it from crashing?


In KIS firewall at the application rules section search for the two COD WAW exe's,then
put in a new network rule to both of them(1 for multyplayer and 1 for single),namely block the INBOUND communication.Say if this kills the problem.
I added a rule for the Multiplayer EXE, which is the only one listed by Kaspersky, blocking incoming communications. The EXE is still in the "Trusted" group, but it has the extra rule. The game still crashes once it loads to the main menu.

Any other ideas?
Also... a couple of questions... How is a block on INBOUND communication fixing the problem... and secondly, why did this problem suddenly appear?
Could be a new error caused by playing COD WAW in Windows 7 i suppose.(a thing-a-ma-jig in the way the game communicates with their servers).Im sure of one thing they wont release a patch to fix this....ever period.If bs comes through we must try solve it 🙁

Put the game exes in low restricted,add both exes not just one(put the new rule to both of them).
Ok... I added both EXEs to Low Restriced, then added the Block rule for incoming... Same thing... Tried the sound settings fix, tried the DEP settings fix, tried a System Restore, Uninstalled my video drivers and the entire game with updates... Even exited out of KIS to see if it would work then...

Same BEX error... Did I mention this is getting a bit frustrating?

Again, my game shows the main menu, plays a split second of the background music, then crashes...

Any other ideas?
Do you have the windows firewall on or off if it's off then:try running the game with windows firewall on and leave the settings on default.If this works,leave on default only the domain profile the rest off.

The problem seems to appear if you deactivate the windows firewall,if you leave it on the game works,if not...But i hate having 2 firewalls on and thats why i told you to leave only domain profile on and the rest off.This helped me.Hope it finaly solves the problem.PS😛ost here the results.(I understand your frustration cause i've been there to)
First, thanks again for your help.

I normally have Windows Firewall off... but I turned the KIS firewall off and then turned Windows Firewall on, trying various settings, including the default profile on with the rest off, the game will let me connect to a server and choose a team, but when I choose a weapon, which actually starts the game-play, the screen goes black, and the game locks up.

So I am getting closer, but still can't play.

Do you still hear the game sounds when the game goes black? I think this is another problem not the one with the firewall.Advices:1.Try the game in safe mode and see if you still have the problem.2.Does the freeze occur even in singleplayer?
It took me about 3 days to get this game to work and I looked for HOURS AND HOURS over many forums trying every single stupid thing people suggested. The most problems from people seemed to be a sound issue so I tried all those "fixes" with no luck. I finally turned off my modem or network adapter in Device Manager and it finally worked in single player mode with no problems with any sound and graphic settings. I then took a usb wireless modem from another computer and installed it and it worked fine for 2 weeks in mulitplayer. And today it decides that won't work again so now I'm going to try to uninstall my modem drivers and re install. Its funny, when I disable the modem the game runs then as soon as I enable the modem it crashes. I've never had this much trouble with any program ever.

How i've solved this problem :

I launched Process Monitor (microsoft systernals tool) and check that CoDwawmp.exe try to access to a server on my lan on port 80 (ht tp port)

i've closed PC that running this server (utorrent webgui in fact)

and .... SUCCESS : Cod stop crashing ! :) :)