Calling all RoarKings


Feb 17, 2013
I'll begin with my specs, then a brief overview of my problem.

Windows 8 Pro
Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
Model: H55M-UD2H
Total amount of system memory: 4.00 GB RAM
System type: 64-bit operating system
Number of processor cores: 2

Total size of hard disk: 465 GB
Disk partition (C:): 290 GB Free (465 GB Total)

Display adapter type: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series
Total available graphics memory: 2749 MB
Dedicated graphics memory: 1024 MB
Shared system memory: 1725 MB
Display adapter driver version:
Primary monitor resolution: 1920x1080
DirectX version: DirectX 11 or better

Network Adapter: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller

Thank you for reading (if !read) return

Now my problem is that when I play graphic intense games IE. Dishonored.
I can play smoothly on high settings, but then I get the dreaded "Your display driver has stopped responding but has successfully recovered".
I find that Ctrl+Alt+Del, gives me a bit of time to quickly save but I don't fully understand the nature of this problem.
I've updated all my drivers using Uniblue DriverScanner.
I even run on lowest settings and resolution, only to find that the ( I'm assuming here ) GPU is bottlenecking and crashing. Correct me if I'm wrong. But why me, others with my specs can play graphic intense games.

Thank you.

It happens because your video card's main chip isn't cooled properly because the cooler's not positioned properly with the thermal paste and the chip.
It's a faulty that happens quite often in many modern GPUs. Basically it's just that the cooler's plate aren't pressed close enough and properly enough to the thermal paste, thus making a gap and very bad cooling. It's usually an RMA case, but only if you bought the GPU from the retailer and warranty hasn't expired yet.
It happens both for Radeons and GeForces, but quite much more often for GeForces (especially "5xx" line of GTXs), so it's just that you got unlucky with your particular card, really. You can try fixing this by yourself, but I would not recommend it. Trying fixing this by...
It happens because your video card's main chip isn't cooled properly because the cooler's not positioned properly with the thermal paste and the chip.
It's a faulty that happens quite often in many modern GPUs. Basically it's just that the cooler's plate aren't pressed close enough and properly enough to the thermal paste, thus making a gap and very bad cooling. It's usually an RMA case, but only if you bought the GPU from the retailer and warranty hasn't expired yet.
It happens both for Radeons and GeForces, but quite much more often for GeForces (especially "5xx" line of GTXs), so it's just that you got unlucky with your particular card, really. You can try fixing this by yourself, but I would not recommend it. Trying fixing this by software means will do nothing, the only way you can really fix this if you disassemble your GPU's cooling mounting and try putting it in a better position towards the chip and screwing it better, but you must know exactly where the chip is and you must be sure that they (cooler and chip) connect perfectly, that's not an easy thing to do if there's a faulty design (if there are no faults in design and it's just a bad factory assemble, then it's fixable, but if it's a prime fault in cooler's design, then it can be fixed only by changing cooler, or customizing the existing cooler, which is not easy and usually not worth so much pain the ass).

I had the exact same problem last winter, with the GTX 560, I literally tried everything I could, and the only way how I've managed to resolve this problem was that...I changed GPU completely. In my particular case every 30~50 minutes I had the exact same error message you had (when GPU was just overheating because of the faulty cooler design). :\

Besides the GTX 560 that I've mentioned above, I also had this exact same problem with HD 6870 and GTX 680, but in these two cases I managed to fix it by myself.

Thank you for confirming my suspicion, you are a beast for sharing that knowledge with me.
I suspect that my GPU is not faulty, but needs a clean. I'll research the best method on taking mine apart and clean it, properly put it back. Thanks!
Ok let me begin again, after disassembling my computer and removing the gpu, I used a vacuum to clean it.
Lets just say, I'm using my phone right now haha...

I wiped of the melted thermal paste, I assume it was the thermal paste and after I assembled my computer, the monitor will not show anything...

My main question is, what is the best graphics card I can buy for my computer and how much does it cost?
Ok let me begin again, after disassembling my computer and removing the gpu, I used a vacuum to clean it.
Lets just say, I'm using my phone right now haha...

I wiped of the melted thermal paste, I assume it was the thermal paste and after I assembled my computer, the monitor will not show anything...

My main question is, what is the best graphics card I can buy for my computer and how much does it cost? you applied any substitute (like other thermal paste) for the default thermal paste that you wiped off?
Because, man...I'm afraid you might've fried your card if you turned it on without any thermal paste there... :\

About best graphic'd probably couldn't afford it.
Four most best graphic cards at the current moment are EVGA's GTX 690 HCS, Sapphire's Toxic HD 7970 6GB, Asus' Ares II and Devil13 HD 7990.
They cost a leg and a kidney.

If you're talking about your CURRENT build, maximum that you could install (without it being bottlenecked by your current CPU) would be HD 7850 or GTX 660.

Cheers for all your help, it seems that because I wiped of what I thought was unecissary grease(turns out to be thermal paste). I fried my GPU. With that in mind its time for me to get a job.
Hopefully a book shop my friend told me about, I believe $222.22 is enough for an ATI Radeon HD 7850.

Your input was much appreciated, sorry for double posting. (Phone went nuts).
I have access to a spare low end computer, 1GB ram and intergrated graphics :s. so ill have fun with that...

Yours sincerely the jiztastically gifted time traveller.
Holy sh** I feel guilty, because it's basically of my information that you decided to pry open GPU in the first place... T_T
If only I'd tell you about thermal paste (well, I actually did, somewhat, but it looks like you forgot about that when you saw chip).

P.S. Well, I did tell you the info, but I didn't say that you MUST open seriously don't know what to feel now....I'm sooo confused right now... 😵
Also, about HD 7850, first check your PSU and see what maximum Wattage it has, before you buy anything. For a card like HD 7850 you'd need a PSU with at least 550W of Wattage.

Mesab: Aw, come on! %)
I did.
Unfortunately I thought it was a byproduct of a dirty GPU, I unscrewed the the fan and board to clean inside.
My step brother is staying here to fix his car before selling it and he has compressed air which we used to clean the PC with ease after I had fried the GPU.
My father is bringing home some thermal paste tonight to see if it will run, but I have a feeling it will just need to be replaced.

Wish me luck, I'll post what happens when I replace thermal paste.

P.S. None of this is your fault, you were giving advice. I did not go in to depth as to what I was going to do with the information. So you had no way of knowing.
Regardless, you offered me a huge deal of free information. Cheers!!!
Well, modern GPUs tend to have some anti-burn measures, like not turning on at critical temps or turning off immediately, so maybe (just MAYBE) that card's can be still ok...but I wouldn't bet much on that. :\
Well, try applying fresh thermal paste and see if it works again...if not...then it's definitely in heaven now.
Are you friggin' kidding me? That's not even a thing to make a debate on.
HD 7750 is sooo weak than even GTX 550 (weakest modern Nvidia's card) can kick it's ass most of the times. It doesn't matter if it has more memory, it will still perform relatively badly.
Get HIS' HD 7770 iCooler if you want the "golden middle": it performs awesome, while consuming very little energy, being very cool & silent AND costing much less than HD 7850 and just a tiny little bit more (absolutely not significant) than HD 7750.

Also, yeah, of course e-bay counts, but....seriously, man...
If you live on American continent (which, I presume, is your case, since you used "$" as a remark), why not just use Newegg or NCIX?
I like how you basically replied rather coolly "Neither"

I do like this 7770, it seems rather dashing!

On one hand, I'm terrible with computers.
On the other hand, I'm crying "help me" for the first time.
On the other hand, I'm actually doing a Tafe course, cert III in IT.

And yes, I have 3 hands.
P.S. Without your help, I would be having an O.F*** moment. Considering I'm only 1 week into my course. Which covers cert 3 level Hardware, Sustainability, Software, Industry skills, Operating Systems, I think thats all. you didn't fry it after all? So, the "damage-prevention" security mechanism worked...
That's good to know, a giant rock was just lifted off of my soul... :\

Anyway, let's see if it gives any more error messages like it did before...I hope that you assembled everything back just fine, after you applied new thermal paste?
BTW, what's the mark/name of that thermal paste? I'm curious.

Also, even if your old video card would keep working just fine and without any new errors, keep in mind that GPU recommendation of mine (if you feel like upgrading in the future).
The syringe has "A1 - TCX"
"Thermal Compound Xtreme"

Written on it.

And I may upgrade after I save up some money, but I'm not getting any crashes 😀
Happy as hell now. I showed my dad your recommendations and all your support and he was impressed *thumbs up*... I wish you luck dude, I won't dive into parallel worlds but you caused me to get to the root cause of the problem, I hope!!

"Aywun",, I wonder how your dad managed to get it. It's not the most productive and high-performance thermal paste out there, but it's way better than that stock garbage.
It's China-made product aimed at inside market (thus - for China only), I wonder how your dad found's rare even here (in Russia, which is much closer to China than America/UK).
Anyway, if you'll have any other problems/questions in the future, just PM me, I'll try to help as much as I can.